Night 1: Collide, Part 3

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- Lyka Storm's Perspective -

"You're okay, right?" I hear Tender ask as we dock on the other side of the lake.

"Yeah, for the 3rd time Tender." I say, only a little annoyed. "I'm fine." I look over at Theo, who's tending to his own wounds which look to be worse then mine.

     I walk over to him, and help him wrap a piece of cloth on his leg. When I'm finished, Theo says something.

     "Thanks, Lyka." He says.

     "No problem." I say. I go back and see Tender looking at me pissed. His arms are crossed as well.

     "God damnit, Tender. Stop." I say.

     "It's so obvious you care about him more than you care about me." He says. "Why not just go with him and leave me at this point?"

     "Tender, you've checked up on me 3 times yet you left Theo with no treatment and he has worse cuts." I say. "He's in our alliance too, you know."

     "Don't forget he's our enemy." He says. "He's just gonna catch you off guard and kill you. I'm the only one here who can protect you."

     "I appreciate that." I begin. "But you saw what I did to Urban. I can protect myself. I'm not a damsel in distress."

     "Fine then." He says, throwing his arms up and turning away. "When you get into a fight with a group and Theo turns on you, don't come crawling back to me."

     "Why can't you just accept that we have more firepower?" I ask, frustrated.

     "Because, Lyka." He begins. "I love you."

     My heart immediately begins to ache. I size him up. He's caring, strong, and handsome. But developing feelings for someone when only one of us will make it out is like committing emotional suicide.

     "But I know you don't love me back." He says bluntly, snapping me out of my thoughts. "It's fine, totally fine."

     "Only one of us comes out Tender." I say. "I want to love you but I just can't."

- Ike Pinto's Perspective-

I kick Hazel's leg, and I hear her stir. I turn around to get her attention.

"Hazel!" I whisper.

"What?" She says half asleep.

"There's someone here." I say.

She immediately grabs her weapon and it wakes up Kyle. I look back and see that nothing is there. The shadow is gone.

"Where?" I hear Hazel say.

"They were right there!" I say. "Someone was standing there!"

We all get up and look in the area I saw the shadow. But nothing is there.

     "What did you see?" Kyle asks.

     "It was a Person!" I say. "Someone was standing there."

     "No one is here, Ike." He says. "You probably just had a hallucination or a dream or something like that."

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