The Training Week, Part 1

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- Lyka Storm's Perspective -

-BTW, this book features gore, offensive language, and some intense, emotional, and downright offensive moments. If you don't like that, probably shouldn't be here.

     "Do you have any idea how long I've liked you for?" I hear Tender asks as I deliver a crushing blow to the dummy. I stop and stare at the dummy, thinking it over.

     "Are you doing this for the Capitol or are you serious?" I ask, retrieving my Axe LS.

     "I'm serious." He says, stopping what he's doing. I turn to look at him. "Ever since you went lost in the woods for a month."

     "Why are you telling me just now?" I ask. He looks at me, almost annoyed.

     "Because I never knew if you liked me back." He says, and I combine my hatchets.

     "If you're suggesting an alliance, hell yeah." I mutter. "But getting attached to someone else in the games? Only one comes out, remember. We'll be crushed if one of us dies, or even both."

     "Just trust me." Tender says, extending his hand and beckoning for a handshake. I didn't want to get emotionally attached, but I guess it's happening.

     "Fuck it." I say, and our hands meet. He then goes for a hug, and I let him do it. Normally I wouldn't, but.. Tender is handsome as hell.

"Hey, 7. Can I talk to guys?" I hear. I let go from Tender, and she Theo Hakana walking up to us from the Fire starting section. I can tell Tender hates this right now; he's very protective of me.

"What do you want?" Tender asks, slightly deepening his voice. I hold back a chuckle at that.

"I want to ally with you guys." He says, trying to size us up. Tender is probably doing the same thing.

"Why?" I ask, putting my axe down.

"Honestly, I want an ally and you two are the only ones here who aren't completely fucking mental." He says. "I mean, you got a bipolar bitch, a serial kil-"

"We don't need another ally." Tender says, and I look at him in surprise.

"Tender, hold on." I say, and motion for Theo to give us a second. He turns away, and I talk to Tender. "What are you doing? He's good at nature. We could use someone like him out there."

"But what if he tries to kill us in our sleep? Or murder you while you're not looking? Or.." he begins.

"If he seems like he will, we'll just dispose of him." I say, making sure Theo can't hear me. He's turned away, looking at the game maker stand. "Just trust me."

"Fine, we're even." Tender finally says. "But if he so fucking dares to lay a finger on you.."

"We'll beat his ass." I say and we turn around. "Alright, you're in."

"Just know that if you try and backstab us," Tender begins. "It'll be the last mistake you make."

"I understand." Theo says, and gives us a thumbs up. He then walks back to the rope course.

I look around. The Careers are being loud and obnoxious as usual. They have two sane people from 4, two fucking serial killers from 1, and a mentally unstable guy from 2. They're gonna be absolutely insane.

     The girl from 2 is rejecting the Careers, and instead uses her time shouting at the game makers or annoying the other tributes to death. The epitome of an asshole.

Then there's a group of the bipolar girl, a girl from 9, and a dude from 6. Wonder how that'll work, as the bipolar and 6 both demand to lead the group.

     As I toss my axe right into a dummy's temple, I catch sight of Kourtney and Gwyn. One has bad combat and great cardio, and the other is the opposite. I know Kourtney's special weapon is just a knife. Like seriously? The one special thing about these games is the custom weapon and she chooses a plain, boring ass knife.

Unbelievable. Then again, that may not be the only twist the 100th games will have.

I see the guy from 3, in a defense drill with a fo-swordsman. He's not making any alliances, but I know he's talked to Tender so far. He seems very oddball, as he worked in the Resistance before this.

Then I catch sight of the last alliance, and I hear one of them yell "stacked" across the entire room. It's a squad of 4, consisting of the two from 11, a Nature girl from 8, and a manipulator from 10. Interesting. The Careers eye them, and I can tell they're gonna be rivals.

Only a few tributes chose to not be in an alliance, those being a guy from 5, and a girl from 6 with a FUCKING SNIPER RIFLE. Like holy shit. The guy from 12 is also alone, and he's one of the most notorious thieves ever in Panem. Also that guy from 3 I talked about earlier and the girl from 2. But other than that, everyone is squared up.

- Isla Carl's Perspective -

     "Yo, we gotta show them who's boss." I hear Cora says as she takes a bite out of her sandwich. "They think they're stacked."

"Yeah let's do it." I hear Urban say, and Kade nods in agreement. They get up as I look at Oakly.

"Should we just stay out of it?" I ask Oakly. He runs his fingers through his hair.

     "If you want to, go ahead." He says, taking the final bite of his burger. "I'm not going to. It's like a loop, they feed each other's insanity."

     "Eh, I guess it won't hurt to get on their bad side." I say. "Gotta appease the psychos."

     Oakly chuckles as I get up, and see Cora yelling at the group of 4. "WHO TOOK MY KNIFE?" She yells, and looks at the 12 year old. Oh no. "Was it you, pipsqueak?"

Ike holds up his hands, revealing they were empty. That didn't deter Cora though. You can't reason with her.

"Yeah like you put it in your hands." She says. "Kid who's adopted would know how to steal like that."

     "Back off, you asshole." Says the District 10 Male, stepping in front of Ike. "Pick on someone your own size, not the 12 year old kid."

     I would normally support my group, no matter how insane they are, but the adopted thing was going way too far. Urban and Kade didn't seem to think the same way I did, though.

     "Oh, so you're the one I need to kill first!" Kade yells at him. "You're the queer, aren't you?"

     "No, actually." Kyle says, trying to keep the situation away from violence. I can already see Peacekeepers running from the game makers stand.

     "Well, whether you like guys or girls or even a frying pan I'm still going to love ending your sad, pathetic life." Kade says, and that's when Katie pulls Kyle back and whispers something in his ear. The peacekeepers form a barrier between us two groups, and the fight was broken.

     What the hell have I gotten myself into?

     How you guys liking this so far? I think I got Cora and Kade right 😂 "I'll take mental with a side of psychopathic."

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