Day 1: The Bloodbath

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- Third Person -

As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.

     The District 8 Male rushes to the Cornucopia in search of supplies. The GC-2 wielded by Isla Carl from District 4 harpoons his leg. Kade Whem then comes in and kills him.

Ike Pinto aims his bow and his arrow lodges itself into the heart of Oakly Lokit. He falls to the ground, dead.

Lyka Storm, Tender Lin, and Theo Hakana flew to the docks, where the power up one of the many boats and get off the island. They motor East, into the bay.

Katie Calypso runs with her squad to the docks to boat away, but a .50 Caliber Sniper round enters her hand. It flies off, just barely not killing her. Alex Sachar shot the round.

Kourtney Dullard and Gwyn Shepherd get into a boat, and motor to the north shore.

The District 12 Female runs to the docks to hop into a boat, but Eli Tylers hops on to and stabs her in the neck. He boats to the south shore.

Nina Dimtrov, Mackenzie Haze, and Asher Albany snatch up the fourth boat and go west.

     Madison Oberlin runs for the final boat, but a crossbow arrow enters her leg. "You reject us, you die." Says Cora as she pushes Madison into the water to drown. The Careers take the final boat and go East.

     Damien swims the very short distance to the north shore, and then attempting to climb the mountain.

Kaja stays on the island, scouring the other cabins.

- Theo Hakana's Perspective -

"Hey, let's stop here." Lyka says. Tender slows the boat and parks it next to the dock. I start tying the knots to secure the boat to the dock.

"Hey, check this place out." Lyka says. I finish the knot and walk up the dock.

A small house with a 4 bay garage sits in a large clearing of trees. To the left is a shed of sorts and some rusted up cars. To the right is a road that leads into the trees.

"Shelter, baby!" I exclaim, but then I hear the sound of a motor. We all know that it's other tributes. We rush inside the building, and hear the boat park on the opposite shore. I look out and see a group of 4. The Careers.

     "It's the Careers." I say, and Lyka looks to the roof in anger.

     "Fuck." Tender mutters, going upstairs. "Of course we're next to the Careers."

"Let's just hope they didn't spot the boat." Lyka says.

Just then, a cannon goes off. 1, 2, 3, thats it. ONLY 3?

"Only 3 deaths?" I exclaim. Lyka's jaw drops.

"Great. 21 people alive. This is gonna be amazing." Tender says sarcastically.

- JP's Perspective -

"Only 3 people?" Ronnie exclaims in anger. "And 3 is still alive."

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