Night 3: A Song Of Blades

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- Kourtney Dullard's Perspective -

"Oh, thank you sponsors." Damien says, as he removes a big chunk of metal from the inside of his shield.

"What is it?" Gwyn asks.

"A new battery." Damien says. "You know, what makes it ricochet stuff?"

"Well that's good." I say.

"Yeah, that's really good." I hear from behind us. I turn around, and see the three Careers standing on the shore behind us.

Cora looks battered, like they got in a huge fight. Isla is somewhat similar, with a bandage on her arm. But Kade looks untouched. I look back to see Damien's shield light up again.

"I'm assuming you were involved with the first three cannons today?" Gwyn asks.

"One of them." Kade says. "The guy from 10 that wanted me to be gay for him."

"What's the problem there?" I ask.

"The problem?" He asks. "I'm not gay."

"Ahh. Ok."

Then, the anthem sounds as the sun disappears.

Kyle Lane, District 10. / Hazel Astora, District 8. / Kaja Steiner, District 12. / Eli Tylers, District 5. / Alex Sachar, District 6.

And then it sounds off, the arena returning to somewhat darkness.

"Well, you're all going to die here in a minute." Kade says.

"You're talking about yourself." I hear. A guy stands about 10 yards away from Kade, on his right side. It's Asher. "Me and You. One versus one. Right now."

Kade looks at him, unsure of what to do. Eventually, he readies his sickles.

"Isla, Cora." He begins. "Hold off these 3 and 10 faggots. I'm going to give Asher the death he desires."

And with that, the battle is on. I see Gwyn duke it out with Isla, while Damien goes for Cora. I decide to assist Gwyn.

- Ronnie's (Head Gamemaker) Perspective -

"So, there's a huge fight going on?" Snow says.

"Yep." I say. "Damien will most likely die from it."

"Great." She says. "I needed that."

We open the door to Vigenere's chamber, ready to give him round two. Except..

He's not there.

The body of the singular guard is crumpled and dead on the floor. There's a massive hole in the roof. I look down the hallway, and see Someone all to familiar at the end of the hallway, inside the gamemaker room.


He used to work with me and JP, but escaped recently without a trace. Even worse...

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