Night 2: Clash

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- Alex Sachar's Perspective -

"What do you have?" I ask him.

"Knives. That's about it." He says.

     "Well then." I say, moving my finger from the safety to the trigger. "You're not very useful, are you?"

     "Which is why you shouldn't shoot me." He says. Then there's a loud bang from the Southwest. I make a crucial mistake, though.

     I lose my aim on Kaja. He starts to run towards me, my sniper shot missing. He slams me into the ground, only using his fists for whatever reason. I punch him in the head, where a wound is making itself known. He screams in pain, falling back off of me.

     I grab my gun, trying to fish out another .50 Cal bullet. But I realize that last shot was my final bullet. I'm out. I bolt up the hill, leaving Kaja down there. He's getting up now, and I know that I'm horrible at CQC. He could have easily sliced my throat with his knives.

     Once I feel that I'm far enough away, I stop to catch my breath. In the distance, smoke is rising from the forest. The view from here is really pretty. You can see the whole arena, and the setting sun. Even if it is all engineered to kill

-Damien Rodriguez's Perspective-

     I see the grapple hook fly in and lock onto the throttle lever. I realize pretty quickly that we're going to crash if we don't get off. I grab Gwyn and Kourtney, who are in a state of panic. The bow of the boat starts to rise in the air, giving me perfect cover.

     I pull them both back, and they fall into the water behind the boat. I slide in, joining them. I can still hear the horrible sound of cracking metal as the boat lands in the trees. I see Gwyn swim for the surface, but I hold her down for a couple seconds. Thankfully she and Kourtney understand what I'm doing. 

     I'm making a diversion. They'll think that we'll be in the boat, but instead we'll be walking down the shore to safety. Or at least Gwyn and Kourtney will. We finally poke our heads up out of water, and it looks like if we had done that seconds earlier they would've spotted us. 

     I see the Careers walking away from  shore, moving towards the crash landed boat. 

     "Nobody splash." I say. "We want to get out of here unharmed."

     Nobody argues, and I don't see why they would. We all know who the Careers are. Psychopaths who live their whole life just to kill in these games. Fuck them. Eventually, we get to shore. I look back, turning my shield back on. As I look back, I hear a sniper shot from somewhere northeast. Far away, anyways. 

     "Alright, here's the plan." I say. Gwyn and Kourtney turn towards me. "You two are going to bolt down the shore, away from here."

     "Don't you mean us three?" Gwyn says.

     "No, you two." I say again. "I'm getting to that tree, and now that there are 3 bloodthirsty killers there, I don't want to be responsible for your deaths."

     "No." Gwyn says. "I'm coming with you."

     "You can't." I say. She is obviously upset with me saying this. "Run far away from here, and both of you will live."

     "I can't lose you!" Gywn says, grabbing my sleeve. 

     "You won't." I say. "Trust me. Please."

     "Gwyn." Kourtney says. "It'll be okay."

     "Don't die." Gwyn says to me, crying. She turns around and runs west, along the shore. Kourtney nods at me before following her

- Kyle Lane's Perspective -

     "If we aren't going, then I'll be right back." Ike says. "Gotta go piss." 

     "Okay." Hazel says. "Be quick." Since we weren't going to fight, might as well stand guard.

     "What do you think that sound was?" I ask Hazel. 

     "Don't know." She says. "Probably something we on't want to be involved in."

     Just then, as if on cue, I hear footsteps. Two pairs of them, rushing towards us quickly. Hazel pulls out her Katana, and I wield my Ballistic Blade. Ike then walks back from his break. 

     "There's a dead fish over there." He says. "Bunch of ants crawling all over it and shit. Not exactly how you get an appetite."

     I motion to him to shut the fuck up. He does as told, and readies his bow. Just then, two girls crash through the brush and fall flat on their faces. 

     "Cmon, Kourtney, we gotta g- HOLY SHIT!" She screams, and backs up into a tree. She's crying. Wait. The other one, Is that- It's Kourtney. My district partner.

     "Kourtney?" I say. 

     "Kyle?" She says back. 

     "Why the fuck are you two here?" Hazel screams.

     "We were just running!" The crying one screams. 

     "Who are the other 2?" Kourtney says. "You know, the one with the bow and Katana?"

     "Your mom!" Ike screams. Hazel looks at him, confused. She doesn't understand 12 year old humor. 

     "Hazel and Ike." I say. 

     @QuintexQuota @TheStellaLuna @Tarakat22  So, do you try to kill the two or accept them into your alliance? Keep in mind Hazel and Kyle are bad at big alliances.

- Theo Hakana's Perspective -

     "We're being so boring!" Lyka says. "Just sitting here, in the corner of the arena, not doing shit."

     "Yeah, staying alive." I say. "Really sucks."

     "I'm just saying." Lyka says. "We should be doing something to give us the upper hand, not just waiting and hoping everyone else dies."

     "It has worked for some people before." I say.

     @thunderlightning12 @Lollel33 What is our game plan?

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