Day 3: Convergence

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     - Lyka Storm's Perspective -

"How could we have missed her?" I say. "She couldn't have gotten away that easily! We were right on her tail!"

"Well, we know that she jumped off." Theo says. "So why don't we retrace our steps?"

"Sounds good." Tender says. "That'd mean we go... east?"

"Correct." Theo says.

"Let's get 'em" I say.

"Lyka, you need to keep yourself under control." Tender says. "It's like you want bloodshed."

"Only the blood of the Careers." I say in defense.

"They why get Alex?" He fires back. I turn around, angry.

"Because we may find the Careers along the way." I say. "Stop it, Tender."

And thankfully he stops. Maybe it is wrong to want them dead. But probably not. They want to kill, and I'd love to face Kade.

- Mackenzie Haze's Perspective -

I've gotta find Asher. Those 3 cannon shots couldn't have involved him, right? I hope not. I hope there was another fight, with different tributes.

I check my Crossbow. Only 3 normal bolts are left, and no flash bolts. And I know why. I used them all to try and save Nina.

Oh, Nina. The battle replays in my mind. It wasn't your fault, I think to myself. You tried your hardest.

I believe myself on that front. There's no way I could save her. I was busy saving myself, and that's what matters in the end.

My thoughts are silenced when I hear chatting in the distance. I slowly walk towards it, careful not to make any sound.

It's Gwyn and Kourtney. They're just chatting. All of a sudden. Gwyn stops. It's like she's looking at something across the bay.

"Oh my god." She says. "Kourtney, you see that blue glow?"

"Yeah." She says. "Wait.."

"That's Damien's shield!" Gwyn exclaims. I slowly turn around and walk away, not looking for a fight. Eventually I hear crunching leaves in their direction as they run down the shore.

@TheStellaLuna Do you choose to:

A. Continue to head west along the shore (In the same direction as Asher)

B. Stay Back and wait out the coming storm

- Asher Albany's Perspective -

I trudge through the forest, slightly tired. I feel bad for leaving Mackenzie behind, but I had to because she'd never agree with my plan. Maybe because she thinks it's dumb.

In all fairness, maybe she has a right to think it's dumb. I'm one person going after the entire Career squad. But many people underestimate the power of determination.

If there's a will, there's a way.

My hand goes for my Katana as I hear sounds coming from nearby. Crunching leaves. tree branches being pushed out of the way. Sounds of a person.

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