Day 3: Trial

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- Ike Pinto's Perspective -

     "W-Why?" I ask Eli.

     "The Careers are a common threat, right?" He says. "We can kill them, especially with your other two friends."

    "Okay." I say, wincing from the pain in my cheek. "Let's do it."

    He walks over, and helps me up. Then he looks at my hand.

"Try not to scream." He says.

"Wha-?" I begin, before I see him pull the arrow out of my hand. I hold back a scream and try not to bite my tongue. When he pulls it out, he takes a leaf and wraps it around the wound. It stops some of the blood.

"Are you a righty?" He asks.

"Leftie." I say.

"Damnit." He says. "You may have to fight through the pain."

     "I'll try." I say as he places another leaf, this time on my cheek.

     I grab my bow and he grabs his Switchbit. We crouch walk to the ramp like structure that leads to our camp. I can see Hazel being beat up by Isla, and Kyle.. he's bloodied up everywhere. It's hard to find a place on his body not covered in blood or dirt.

     I draw an arrow and pull it back, my left hand screaming from handling the bow.

     "Go." Eli says.

     I release my arrow and it flies through the air. It barely misses Kade, and makes a cut in Cora's ear. Kade grabs Kyle and holds him in front of him.

     "Oh look, the bean is trying to be a hero." He says.

     "Not try, asshole." I say. "Will!"

     "Oh, I'm so scared." He says, and Isla laughs.

     "Fuck you!" I say, pulling another arrow.

"Same here." I hear Eli say as he walks out from behind me.

"5, right?" Kade says, holding Kyle in front of him

"YOU KILLED NINA!" He yells.

"Damn straight." He says, and both Isla and Cora ready their weapons. "And I'll kill you, too. But I think our little bean needs some motivation. To make this somewhat fun."

     And just like that, his sickle pierces Kyle's chest from behind. Kyle yells in pain, before the other sickle whacks him upside the head. I'm completely frozen. The sight I'm seeing... this shouldn't be possible how disturbing this is.

     "Heh, this dude wanted me to be GAY for him!" Kade yells, pushing Kyle's body to the ground. "Funny, right?"

     I do my best battlecry and fire my arrow at him. It hits his second sickle, knocking his grip off and preventing the killing blow to Kyle. 2 arrows left.

     Eli charges behind me and ducks below Cora's bayonet swing. I just barely see her grasp her side, evidently in pain.

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