Author's Note

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So, thanks for reading this book. For everyone that participated, thank you so much. I never expected to pioneer an entire genre, giving rise to countless other writers taking their own spin on things.

And thank you to the traditional readers for going this far into the series. It really does mean a lot.

I would also like to say thank you for the views on this book. This will mark my first story at 2,000 Reads. Thank you, This milestone really means a lot to me. My 1,000 milestone was almost 1.5 years ago on The Second Life.

In fact, I've made it high enough with this story that I was contacted by an upcoming website called Scriblr, an opportunity I've since deceased. There are a number of reasons for this. 1. They wanted me to write a Branching Zombie Apocalypse Story, Which isn't even the type of Interactive I write.

And second, it's because of you guys. My followers. I'm not going to abandon you guys. Even for the chance to get paid. That's not why I write this shit. I write because it's fun to write and I get to engage with the community. My little, Interactive subset.

To all of the creators who are making their own Interactive, all of the power to you. This isn't something I'm going to try and trademark.

I do not know yet if I should make a fourth installment. If I did, would you guys participate? Because I'm juggling freshman year right now, and it takes away some of my time to do this.

     I'm torn between making:
     IHG IV
     Cessation (A brand new Battle Royale novel)
     A Hunger Games story (Not Interactive)



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