Chapter 3

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A loud thump rang across the room, then elevated talking. Then silence. I backed away from his bedroom door and it unlocked shortly, revealing Kylo. He stopped abruptly as he saw his clothes on me, then turned his eyes to discover his rummaged bedroom. I hadn't felt the need to put everything back in its place.

"Are you a child still, Rey?" Kylo asked flatly as his eyes landed back on me.

"Only for your nuisance." I countered. Bastard. "I found your gun. Smart to take the ammo." I motioned toward the nightstand behind me.

"And I see you also found my clothes-"

"Who was that asshole?"

He bit his jaw. "Hux."

"You would've hated him before."

He blinked. Before. When he was still human, and we were in love. He looked away.

"I'm standing him."

"Just standing?"


"You had to make it look like you were in the middle of raping me to Hux. How's that standing with you?" I crossed my arms in front of me, the word feeling heavy on my tongue.

He grew increasingly agitated at my interrogation. Frankly, I was surprised I made it this far. Kylo ran a hand through his hair, taking in an inflated breath.

"It was so he'd know you're mine."

I sneered. "So that I'm yours? You sound ridiculous, Be-", his eyes snapped back at me, "Kylo."

He chose to let it go. I didn't finish after all.

"You don't know him. And nonetheless," He advanced on me, looking like the demon he was with the living room backlighting him and the dark of the bedroom making him look sinister, "I do owe you, for now."


Kylo had hauled the sofa from the living room and positioned it straight across from the bed. I think he was trying to feign chivalry as he grunted that he'd take the couch. I was having none of it and went straight to the couch myself, lying on it without saying a word. I was no guest, I was his prisoner and I'd rather be treated as such. He huffed, threw a blanket and a pillow to me and went to lock the door, putting the key in his back pocket. I lifted my brows at that, to which I got a smirk and an explanation, "So that you won't steal it, scavenger."

I cringed at the old nickname and I wish I didn't. He saw it but fortunately chose not to remark on it. He went to bed, turned off the lights and I lied in the darkness waiting for him to fall asleep, so I could steal the damn key. I really was predictable when it came to certain things, I won't deny that.

It took a while for him to drift off, but finally his breathing got heavy and even, so I threw the blanket off and pushed the sleeves of his shirt past my elbows. I treaded closer to his bed and looked at his unconscious face. He looked young like this, like before. I shook my head and reprimanded myself. Focus up, Rey.

Gradually, I dragged the sheets off him, uncovering a pale back dotted with moles and I flinched as I made out scars that hadn't been there before. I drew my mouth into a hard line as I tried to think about the life he has been leading while I was gone. After he left me. Another shook of my head; he's obscuring my willpower much worse than what I thought. Maybe it's just because it's been so long, everything is coming back at once, smothering all else. But hopefully it would calm down and before long, settle.

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