Chapter 12

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A/N: So... Couldn't find a charger for my ancient MacBook. Had to wait until I got home and order one from Amazon. And apparently Amazon doesn't know how to deliver things to my apartment anymore, so I had to go on a Scavenger Hunt Part 2 to go get it from a random post office.

Anyway!!! I'm all charged up now and Chapter 12 is here & Chapter 13 will be up tomorrow! Thank you for waiting <3


Less than a minute later the wooden door of the apartment opened and Kylo stepped in, free of blood and with a new black shirt. I gulped and gripped the Grey Goose vodka bottle in my hands for safety. I took another sip of courage straight from the bottle as I saw Finn's eyes widen and then tugging at Poe's jacket. Kylo stood by the door for a moment, pretending to look around as if this wasn't his apartment. He then made his way toward the bar, sticking to the shadows but he was taller than everyone else and his pale face almost glowed in the dimmed lights of the room.

It didn't take Finn long to stop Kylo, stepping in front of him with his chest out, ready for a fight. I ran over to them, stepping in between the two men who glared at each other with murderous intent.

"Ben! What are you doing here!" I shrieked, trying to sound surprised instead of terrified.

Finn knew him as Ben. I would too had he not kidnapped me. So that's what I would call him, and I loved the quick tick of a muscle underneath his right eye as I said it. But then his face contorted into a wide smile which I hadn't seen in four years and his arms encased me in a hug and I lost all of my coherent thoughts.

"You will pay for that later." He fumed in my ear and I stiffened in his hold. As he let go of me the happy mask of his was in place again and his voice sounded like a different person as he said, "I heard you were back in the city! I just wanted to welcome you back."

"You're not welcome here," Finn growled from behind me but all that was in my head was that he was Ben. In this moment, with that carefree voice and that smile that made the corners of his eyes crinkle in a way I had always loved, which I had kissed more than a thousand times, he was Ben and I was lost.

"Oh, I think that's up to Rey. It's her apartment, isn't it?" Kylo said and shattered my delusion. Kylo's edginess was back and I could see through his act. Maybe Finn didn't, but I saw the wolf in sheep's clothing, plain as day. And the wolf's blood-hungry eyes were boring into mine and I knew it was not an option to decline.

I gritted my teeth. "Sure, welcome."

Kylo nodded and I saw the undertone of smugness visiting his lips. He walked past Finn and I, toward the bar to retrieve someone's death.

"This is not a good idea, Rey." Finn said with a warning and as I looked around, I saw the glances everyone stole of Kylo. Of the mafia boss, of the killer and murderer, as he poured himself a whiskey and his other hand disappeared into the cabinet of the bar table.

"I know. But I don't want to make a scene, he'll leave soon."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes. I'll make sure of it." I hissed, angrier at Kylo than at Finn.

"I hope so, he's making people uncomfortable."

I sighted. Yes, it was evident. Some were rigid from fear and some were eager with curiosity. Rose and Page gave me looks and I shrugged my shoulders. Poe stared at Kylo's black back as I did Hux's.

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