Chapter 21

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I was exhausted. I had been so nervous about the meeting at Mustafar, that as soon as we got back to Kylo's, I had collapsed on the bed and fell asleep instantly. I know that because I woke up as I felt Kylo's hand snake around me, slowly dragging through the valley between my breasts and grazing my collarbones until ending up at my pulse below my jawline. He stopped there caressing it and blood rushed in my ears. With a tenderness that was menacingly possessive, writing invisible words of being owned, being his, all his. All I could hear was the quickening thrum of my heart and feel the heat starting to flush my cheeks. My heart was louder than all the swirling words in my head that I wanted to say but couldn't. Who were we? Where are we going? I can't be trained to become a murderer, a Mafioso. I didn't want that but all I could think about was how I wanted more of his fingers on my body.

"You disobeyed me, Rey." And he stroked the bite on my neck then, almost as a warning, reminder, of what he could do.


"You spoke without being spoken to. At the meeting." He purred in my ear and his hair tickled my cheek. "I want to do things to you again."

"Dark things?"


"I said I would let you if you weren't murder-y."

"And have I been?"

I hesitated. "Well, no, not today."

His lips pressed on my neck. "Well then, I guess it's a good thing you took a nap."

I bit my lip. Oh, how I wanted this, him. But oh how unwise and stupid we were being. This would make things even more complicated, taking the final step into the past. But my self-control was slipping further as his fingers on my skin became more insistent.

"I'm going to undress you," Kylo said, voice rumbling low in his chest, breath hot against the back of my head.

His hand unzipped my hoodie, then gripped the tank top's neckline white-knuckled, ready to tear the flimsy material in two. I didn't move.

"Let me," Kylo said and I turned to look him in the eyes. They were on fire again, but so was I.

"We shouldn't," I said.

"No," he said, dipping his gaze to my lips. "No, we shouldn't."

And then he kissed me. I couldn't help but kiss him back, I wanted him with every soul in my body, he was made for me and I was made for him, how was I suppose to resist? Like Persephone to Hades, I would always come back. No matter what. And like Hades to Persephone, he would be waiting.

Kylo ripped my shirt then and my lint-riddled bra was out to him again.

"Good." He murmured.

He continued to skillfully undress me: shoes, socks and then jeans and I was only in my underwear. He pulled his black shirt over his head and I marveled again how strong his body was. He bent back down to kiss me, but I could feel his hand doing something, trying to reach for something. Soon he pulled back and I saw black rope around his hand, looking like a snake circling its prey.

"I'm going to fuck you tonight, Rey."

I swallowed.

"Tell me if you're afraid," he said. But I wasn't. Instead, to my surprise, I found the black snake in his hands eliciting a hot throb between my legs and a thousand and one butterflies in my stomach. And he smelled so real, so intense and I thought he was the beginning of everything. I caught a faint cigarette smell, spiced with warm skin with a hint of city traffic. I breathed deeply, remembering how I had thought and vowed never to smell this again. How foolish of me, really. The sun has to rise every morning and every night make way for the moon, no way around it, no escape. We would be brought together always, one way or another.

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