Chapter 19

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"What?" I asked as I was drinking orange juice on the floor of his living room. I had stared at the angry cuff marks around my wrists when he walked in, sat down on the couch opposite of me and just stared at me silently. The bright noon sun was casting peculiar shadows on his face.

"We have a mole." He stated coolly and my heart jumped to my throat. Does he know I've known this whole time who it is?

"Do you know who?" Possible lies I could say to justify my actions started running through my mind. I sipped from my glass and tried to steady my hand.

He leaned forward on the couch, resting his elbows on his knees. "We'll know soon enough."

"Why are you telling me this?" He hadn't told me anything about what they do and who does what and when. I was kept in the dark intentionally, and Kylo all of a sudden catching me up on the First Order business made me feel nervous.

"You are suspected."

"What!? Me!?", I shouted. "I'm with you 24/7, at what point could I have become an informant?"

"At the housewarming party. At Mustafar when you waited for me." He knows. He must know.

"But, all of Mustafar's employees are part of the mafia, are they not?" Except for one FBI agent, you call Vinny. And indeed, I could've turned my coat at the party or at Mustafar. He was right and I hoped for my life this was just guesses and not facts.

"Yes but it's open for everyone. Someone could've simply walked in."

"Are you accusing me of being the snitch? Is that what this is?" The fact of the matter was that even if I knew who the mole was, it wasn't me and I hadn't given Jude anything. So if he wanted to give me the third degree, then fine. I could take it. All Jude and I had done was talked about Kylo.

He got up and walked around the sofa table between us, kneeling in front of me. His hand came up to stroke an errand strand behind my ear. "I know it isn't you. But these are the questions Hux is asking."

I closed my eyes. His hand spread warmth. "Do I have to go with you to Mustafar today?"

"Yes." I heard him say softly. Then I felt his lips brush against mine. "If you obey well, maybe I'll do things to you tonight again. Things I've dreamed about while we were apart."

My eyes shot open and I felt my cheeks redden beneath his hand. "Only if you're feeling less murder-y today."

He smiled wolfishly. "It all depends on today then." He gripped my left breast and I cried out from the sharp pain as he slightly twisted the bite on it. "Or you can disobey me and I'll get to mark you a third time." I pushed my hands to his chest and tried to get his arms away from me, away from the instinctive hotness his words caused to my confusion. But he wrapped his arms around me as an answer, kissing the skin behind my ear, just where he remembered I liked. "Embrace the darkness within you and it'll accept you," he whispered softly against my skin. He pressed his lips against mine then, and the fight left me as his kiss softened from dominance into gentleness.

I mumbled against his hot breath, "you're my darkness."

He swiped his tongue across my lips, asking for access. "Then you're my light."

We left for Mustafar a few hours later. The air was brisk, carrying brown leaves with it. Kylo advised me just tread close to the truth, but not too close. He had also asked me to wear a hoodie with the zipper undone a little bit lower, so the bite mark would flash on my skin. The bite was just enough off to the center of my torso, that half of it showed if I undid the zipper a couple inches lower than I'd usually do it. He then wrapped the sleeves of the hoodie once, so the chafe marks on my wrists were clearly visible. I had made my displeasure about this known. He had grunted that at least I had liked it at the time. I blushed.

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