Chapter 20

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Snoke's deep-set eyes made me so utterly uncomfortable I couldn't help my fingers fidgeting with the hem of my black hoodie again. His eyes studied me meticulously, his scarred face ever so slightly twitching as his eyes discovered the marks on my skin. I wanted to fold my hands behind my back but fought to keep them visible. That was their purpose anyway.

"Hux seems convinced you are our little snitch." Snoke croaked. I glanced at Kylo whose eyes were back being the empty abyss I had come to know. But I knew fury was scorching inside him by the small, quick tick that visited his right eye. Hux sat next to him with his usual self-satisfactory smile and Phasma with her unreadable mask.

"Well," Snoke continued. "Don't you have anything to say for yourself girl?"

"Would you believe me? Fine; I'm not the mole. There." I answered, tone respectful but words sharp. Sure, Snoke was frightening but he seemed to be like a bloodhound; if he smelled fear, he would attack. Better to come off strong I thought. Hoped really.

Snoke considered my words with dead eyes, heavy silence reigning around us until Hux broke it.

"I could put those words to the test, if you let me, Don." Hux sneered and my skin prickled.

"With all due respect," Kylo cut in, "I already have."

Hux let out a hollow laugh. "What? You call that interrogation?" He derided and motioned toward me. "No, no what I would do to her . . . wouldn't come close."

Hux's dirty eyes scanned me and Kylo gritted his jaw. "She is mine, and you know that Hux. You've got plenty already on retainer to last for a decade."

"Oh, but she is exquisite. What if I want only her for a moment?"

"She's not yours to take," Kylo grunted, eyes aflame.

"We'll see about that," Hux replied, evil grin tugging his lips.

"Silence!" I jumped as Snoke roared, and all eyes were on him now, except for Kylo's. His were dead set on me and I wished I could read his mind.

"I will be determining the course of action." Snoke rasped. "Phasma. What do you think of the girl?"

Phasma's attention shot to Snoke as she said, "she's not the mole."

I gawked at her, trying to hold off on the breath of relief.

"Explain," Snoke ordered.

"I saw her working at the lobby, the mole was there and tried to make contact with her by the bar. She clearly didn't recognize him and instead drove him away because it was compromising her mission with Ortega."

What? Did someone try to make contact with me? Oh . . . the buzz-cut. He was the second agent. I wondered if Jude had put him up for it, trying to save me before I had to get fucked by Dominic for the cause.

Snoke made a low voice, grumbling in his chest as he considered. "Is that so?"

"Sir," Phasma continued, "it is my opinion Rey is not the one we're looking for."

Hux remained silent.

"What of the shootout in the room then? Four Ortega's killed? I have the underworld at the brink of war because of it." Snoke growled and gave me a sharp look. It was hard to stay still.

Kylo opened his mouth to answer but I interjected. "That was my fault." All eyes on me now. "I—I got overwhelmed, to be honest, Sir. I've never done anything like that and he attacked me, so my instincts kicked in. I compromised the mission with my inexperience." Snoke regarded me, so I added, "My deepest apologies, I will make sure it won't happen again, sir." I finished and waited for my verdict. If I was going to drag Kylo to salvation with me, I needed to be alive to do it.

"I can take responsibility of training the girl." Hux offered and I saw Kylo's jaw tense.

"Mmmm." Snoke hummed. "No, I think not. Rey, you're already marked, aren't you? Yes, very good. I can see the potential in you. Raw power, Kylo had the similar kind not so long ago. You can rise like Fenix within us Rey, would you want this?"

I swallowed. Absolutely not.

"Yes," I heard myself saying.

"Very well then," Snoke crooned. "It is decided. You will begin an apprenticeship with Kylo."

Kylo nodded. I did then too.

"And Kylo," Snoke rasped, "teach her everything."

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