Chapter 14

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"Will you let me finish your job description now?" Kylo asked when he sat down next to me on the marble island. He was sipping his coffee, which he liked as black as the current state of his soul. I waved my hand as a way of answering him. Putting up another fight wouldn't change anything at this point, and I think I made myself clear last night. I sipped orange juice from a designer mug and awaited. Kylo huffed but gave me my instructions. I listened and made sure to frown disapprovingly the whole time while sipping my OJ.

"What if he wants me to get straight to it? What if he wants to have my mouth wrapped around his cock as soon as the door closes to his hotel room? What am I supposed to do then?" I asked. Taunting. I knew I could talk my way out of any situation, him being the only exception to the rule, unfortunately. This all started with that damn clock and the sleazeball dealer Unkar Plutt, who had given me the gig in the first place. If never before then now I was truly regretting ever climbing through that window.

"Don't push me, Rey," Kylo said with a warning and got up, taking my empty glass with his now empty mug and placed them in the dishwasher.

"What? You're commissioning me to do this, why are you so bothered about it?" I suppose I still wanted to pick a fight after all.

His back was turned to me and as he pressed the dishwasher's buttons, I could see his black shirt shifting ever so slightly as his muscles tensed. "This wasn't my idea."


"Hux?" I asked, but I knew already. Kylo nodded to confirm it.

"I tried to get you out of it but Snoke and Phasma both liked it so I couldn't argue."


Kylo turned to me now, leaning against the counter behind him. I could see the deep crease between his brows. "The blonde woman you saw sitting with us in Mustafar."

"I see. Not even the fact that I was your new shiny toy got you anywhere?"

He shook his head. "No, they argued that it was exactly because I owed you, that I should be able to do as I pleased and use you for my First Order business as I liked."

"Jesus." I breathed and rubbed my face. "Damn psychopaths. So that whole rape-show on the first day established jack shit then?"

He shook his head again, growing impatient. "Believe me, you'd have it a lot worse had I not done it. If they didn't think you were being punished every day by being my prisoner here, Hux would've wanted in on the punishment as well. Instead, here you are drinking oranges and calling me a psychopath."

"Yes, yes," I huffed, "how fortunate am I."

His eyes fell cold and he slammed the dishwasher closed behind him. "Indeed you are."

For a moment I melted over the cool marble covering the kitchen island and stayed there as I watched his receding back toward the bathroom. Yes, things could be worse but couldn't they always be worse? As my cheek rested against the cold marble, I thought things were pretty bad, to begin with. Not much to improve on the worse part. Sure, being Hux's whore would've been worse but lodging up with your newly-turned-psychopath-ex wasn't that much better. Or I suppose it was. I don't know, my mind was a whirlwind again. I think I dozed off since when Kylo stomped back into the kitchen, he grunted for me to get ready to go out and noted that I had drool on my cheek. I swiped it away and stalked to the bedroom without bothering to ask where we were going. He wouldn't tell me anyway.

As it turns out, we went shopping for prostitute things. Great. I'm glad I didn't ask because I would've clung on to every passing surface as he would've had to carry me with force out of the apartment. Again, I'm predictable. Not denying it.

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