Chapter 6

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A/N: Hi, guys! So glad to still have you with me <3 WARNING: this chapter contains some smut that hints at non-con, so if you're not into that, you can wait until I update the next chapter on Wednesday ;)


"Would you like to be drunk for this?" Kylo Ren asked, offering me a glass of whiskey.

I took the offering from his hand and gulped it down with a hiss. It burned all the way down, I hated whiskey. He refilled the glasses, handing the other one for me again. It was twelve or so hours later and I was awake, three hours later and the terrible headache had subsided a little, only to come back when Kylo told me what the consequences would be for my little escapade. When I protested them, Kylo huffed I was lucky he had the needle with him, since if I would've been conscious Hux would've expected him to reprimand me right there and then. Like he would, and has, to all who tried to escape their debt for the First Order, or simply disobeyed direct orders. I didn't want to know, and he didn't tell me more, except that we were to go meet Hux and a few others tomorrow and that the marks of those said repercussions had to show on me.

I had known the risks, considered them, and ran. This was to be expected, but still. It infuriated me that he had willingly chosen this life. He had chosen a path where people had to be punished and killed for their wrongdoings, and he must be enjoying some part of it since he wasn't forced into this. So here I was, sitting in his living room and chugging down expensive whiskey to be drunk enough so he could give me a black eye.

"It doesn't matter that I'm a woman?" I asked, taking a big swig then. I couldn't help but make a face after every nip, this stuff was horrendous, I really couldn't understand how this could be so many people's drink of choice.

He gave a quick smirk, partly to my whiskey-induced-grimace I'm sure. "Where's the equality in that? You did wrong, now you'll be punished. Man or woman."

I groaned, his logic was irritatingly undebatable. He drank but did not grimace. His long limbs were stretched out on the sofa opposite of me, crossed.

"Why are you drinking for this?"

He looked at me, clearly deliberating on what to say. His mouth twitched and he looked into his crystal glass as he answered, "contrary to what you believe, I don't want to abuse you."

I gave a hollow laugh and took a sip. "You're right, I don't believe that. It was your choice to bring me in."

"There were others, it was either take you or kill you. Those were your options, Rey. If you'd like, I can give you the latter one."

"You couldn't." Why? Because I couldn't? That proved nothing. I've never killed, he has. He knows what it feels like to take another's life.

"If that's the option you choose; I will grant you that." He looked at me and I tried to search for any sign that he was feigning it. To my shock, I found none.

"So, what? Are you going to tell me again how lucky I am? How you saved me?" I finished the glass and stretched my arm out with the glass for him to top it off again. He did and finished his own while at it. I could feel the whiskey starting to warm me up, making the blood run wilder, warmer, heat gathering onto my cheeks.

"Let's play a game." I proposed, after a while of silently observing his set jaw, with my unaddressed mockery hanging in the air. Maybe I'll get him to talk about the past this way.

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