Chapter 22

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"Rey, are we back at this again?" Kylo asked with boredom in his eyes.

I pulled at the black restraints on my hands. "I am not leaving this bedroom looking like this!"

Kylo gave me a once over. When the doorbell had rung, he had swiftly untied me from the bed, only to tie my hands together and pull me up from the bed, hastily wrapping a sheet around me.

"Have to keep up the appearances, sweetheart." Had he not had the wicked look in his black eyes, I might've believed him.

"Burn in hell." I seethed.

"Only after I've dragged you there," Kylo replied and winked. He then pulled me like a slave after him, opening the bedroom door. I tried to stop him but his damn shiny floors gave no friction whatsoever. Before I knew it, I was exposed to that red snake's inquisitive eyes and I wanted the ground to swallow me.

Hux eyed me surprised, then giving Kylo an impressed face. "Teaching her everything indeed, Ren."

"As promised." Kylo grunts.

"May I sample the product?"

"Again, she's my apprentice. Not yours."

"Aren't we all First Order's in the end, Kylo?"

"Perhaps," he hissed, "but she's still indebted to me."

"Well then, I'll be sure to be around when that's all paid up." He replied with evil glinting in his pale eyes.

Kylo tugged at the ropes, making me stumble against his shirtless ribs. "That'll be a while."

All at once, Kylo bent down to drown me in a dominant kiss and my heart couldn't help the pace it picked up. After he was done he threw his end of the rope toward the bedroom and nudged his chin toward its open door.

"Wait for me there."

I nodded and left, but not without giving Hux a dirty glare before I closed and locked the door. I realized only then, I actually couldn't free my hands without help. Well, after twenty minutes of struggling on the floor I realized it. Soon after I heard the front door close and then the bedroom door's handle rattled and I stood up to unlock it.

"What the fuck!" I yelled and pushed him back.

Kylo seized my bound wrists and wiggled an envelope on my face.

"New gig."


He let go of me to graze my chin with his thumb. "You're my apprentice, remember?"

"Fuck me." I sighed.

Kylo raised an eyebrow. "Indeed."

I pushed him back again. "Idiot." I wiggled my hands in front of him. "Free me, master?"

Kylo's wicked grin made me think my insult wasn't an insult to him after all.

"Gladly, underling."

I huffed, but he got to work. I rubbed my wrists after I was freed and stared at the manila envelope in Kylo's hand. It couldn't be anything good, obviously.

"What is it?"

"Open it." He extended it to me.

I took it and ripped it, finding a professionally done memo. I wonder who typed these up? First Order's Administrative Assistant? My god that's ridiculous.

"Do you have an assistant or something?" I asked while eyeing the memo.

"Snoke does."

I looked up at him with raised brows. "Are you kidding me?"

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