Chapter 23 - The End

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Kylo glared at Jude as he was taping the bug-sized microphone on to the strap of my bra (one of the new one's Kylo bought me, since, you know. He destroyed my favorite one. So, who can we really blame for Jude's blush?)

"Isn't there a female operative who could do this?" Kylo asked between his teeth.

Jude glanced at him. "Unfortunately not at this time, sir."

"Don't call me that." Kylo sneered.

"What, sir?"

"I am not your sir anymore, apparently never was. So don't call me that."

"Fine, Kylo," Jude replied and I heard the malice. His fingers felt cold as they grazed my skin.

Kylo was in the process of getting a microphone taped to his shirt button as well. The FBI agent's hands shook as he fumbled with it. Kylo looked amused at that.

"Are you afraid I'll cut out your tongue?" He asked and the operative quickly shot a panicked look at Jude.

"He's just fucking with you, relax Ryan," Jude said.

"Great team choice," I muttered under my breath.

"Hey," Jude started. "You know the reputation your worse half has. Wouldn't your hands shake if you met him for the first time?"

"I suppose they would," I muttered under my breath.

"Do you know how many people your boyfriend has killed?"

"He's not my boyfriend." "I'm not her boyfriend." We replied at the same time.

Jude shook his head. "Great assignment."

"Couldn't agree more, rat." Kylo spat to Jude.

Jude stood up and faced Kylo. The other FBI agent quickly wrapped up what he was doing and busied himself with the field computers in the corner of Kylo's living room.

"You have no power here anymore, Kylo. Your threats are empty."

Kylo stepped closer, a challenge. "Are you sure about that? Last I checked, I haven't signed anything yet."

Jude simmered, but I saw the flinch. Kylo was right, only after we do this does the official part happen. Kylo could still be playing a part, fooling us all. Exposing us at Mustafar, turning to point the gun at us.

"Okay, okay," I said and stepped between the two bulls. "Let's be civil. Jude, Kylo and I will do our part, don't worry about that. You just make sure you keep your end of the bargain."

Jude looked at me. "I wouldn't betray you like that."

It was awkward all of a sudden. Kylo placed his hand on my shoulder from behind me. "Neither would I."

"Great," I said swiftly. "Glad we're in an agreement. Now can we get this over with?"

Kylo's knuckles weren't white. At all. And they have been white a lot but the fact that they weren't now . . . It scared me and calmed me weirdly at the same time. He looked at me and his eyes said everything and I wish I had the perfect words at this moment but alas, I did not. All I knew is that he'd die for me and to my shock I realized; I would die for him too. I don't know what the future holds for us but I knew it had to include him. It had to have him in it. I reached out my hand across the middle console and squeezed his arm, nodding.

"Rey," Kylo said my name with such conviction I would've turned my attention to him in the middle of an apocalypse.


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