Chapter 15

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I was eating a sandwich I had made, sitting in the kitchen when arms made of stone wrapped around me and yanked me off the barstool, lifting me in the air and pushing me to the ground. I struggled but Kylo was faster and had me in his control in mere seconds, my hands pinned up by his left hand and the other one on my throat.

"You're terrible at this, Rey." He grunted, but I detected a slight tone of amusement. He liked having me under his control, it was palpable.

"Why? I was eating a perfectly good sandwich and now look, it's on the floor."

"You'll still eat it."

"Yes," Sometimes I forget how well he knows me, "but that's not the point."

"You need to learn some self-defense," Kylo stated.

I trashed in his hold, trying to turn from side to side, and Kylo leaned down to kiss my neck.

"Stop it! What are you doing?" I hissed between my efforts.

"Free yourself and I'll stop." He breathed, a glint in his dark eyes. "Fight me, Rey."

I pushed all my energy into pulling my hands free, and he kissed my collarbone.

"Kylo, stop! I'm trying but I can't!" I yelped. I was scared of how good it felt, but most of all, I was scared of how I wasn't scared at all. I couldn't feel even an ounce of fear coursing through my veins. Only something dark and twisted in my chest and his eyes that had fallen dark made my abdomen clench in a way that was no good. No good at all.

"Fight," was all he said.

So, I tried to kick him with my knee in his groin, but he sat down on my hips anticipating the move and kissed the valley of my breasts. I had to gulp. I tried to yank my hips from underneath his weight but I didn't budge, and he let go of my throat to unzip my hoodie. I shouted profanities at him and tried rotating my hands but they stayed put. He lifted my t-shirt up, exposing my bra.

"Why do you insist on using this old withered thing, when you have brand-new ones?"

"This is comfortable. I don't need some expensive chafing lace mess." I spat back. I didn't dress to look good for him, and he's not even supposed to see me in my underwear. He rolled his eyes but his hands stayed on me. He didn't even seem to be trying that hard to keep me contained. I was breathing heavy and I didn't want him to know it wasn't just because of my pathetic struggling. He leaned down again, free hand gripping my bra band and I saw how my chest rose and fell with my heavy breathing. His lips were parted in anticipation and his eyes filled with hunger. And I'm sure mine were equally hungry looking, as I did nothing to stop him. I still tried to pull my hands free but there was no true meaning behind it anymore. It was a mere show, and my stomach clenched in terrible anticipation.

Kylo dragged the lint riddled strap of my bra down my shoulder, flicking his dark gaze from my eyes to my chest. He curled his long fingers around the cup of my bra, ready to pull it down and my god I could've done anything for the man, I'd let him do anything to me, I was his. All his, only his, forever his. And then he exposed my breast and I was bare in front of him, and it should've felt strange and naked to have his eyes on my bared skin but instead, it felt familiar and wanted. I was screwed, I was gone, and when I felt his hot breath on my nipple, I had to rip out of the comfortable cage lust had me in and lift my head off the floor and yell,

"Fine! Stop, please, fine Kylo!"

He halted, lips hovering inches from my nipple, so close his hot breath went straight to somewhere dark and sinful that only he had access to. "I don't mind," the bastard flashed a devilish grin.

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