Double Caramel Mocha

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~Sapphire's POV~

I wake up early next to Pearl who's sleeping next to me in my bed. She made up that she was staying at my place for a school project so her parents wouldn't mind her being out. I don't have a problem with it. We've been best friends since middle school and we've always been there for each other. I head to my bathroom and start my shower.

Pearl Spearson. When I first met her, we were in 7th grade English class. She presented her very researched speech on the Gem War in class and ended up messing up, stumbling over her words. She was so nervous that she left the room crying so I went after her. After she calmed down we talked for the rest of the class period and ended up staying close friends ever since.

Lapis joined our little crew back in freshman year. She was so fond of the ocean and swimming. It was all she talked about for a while. That and her girlfriend at the time, Jasper.  We were all so close until Lapis's "Sophomore Year Breakdown". She stopped talking to us. Everyone. When Junior year started back up, Pearl and I tried talking to her again. Immediately she opened up to what sophomore year was about and she's gotten better ever since.

I step out of the shower and brush my teeth while my hair dries. I sigh as I remember last night's events. I can't believe I showed Ruby my eye. She even called me beautiful after it which wasn't the reaction I was expecting. I lost vision in my right eye and went into a 5-week coma after the accident 3 years ago. Ever since I've been numb so to speak. Not that I'm emotionless, I'm just not surprised by things anymore. I've also been told that I've turned really cold but that's just because I'm quiet with strangers.  

Pearl was the only person who stuck with me through that time. And Lapis is the only person who's seen my eye and hasn't judged me. Well, now Ruby too. I used to get bullied back when people first saw my eye. There's no more bullying now but occasionally I'll hear whispers. But Ruby. She surprised me. Her whole presence in my day yesterday was a surprise which kinda contradicts my last though...

"Sapphire," there's a light knock on the door. "You okay? You've been in there for a while."

I look at time to find out that I've been in here for an hour. School starts in 40 minutes.

"Oh crap, sorry Pearl. Here," I hold the door open for her to enter as I leave to finish getting ready. She rushes inside and closes the door.


Pearl and I arrive at school together without Lapis. She said she was staying home today as she was too tired from partying to care about school. She ended up going to a random party in town with Peridot. That's normal of her. At least once a month, possibly more, she misses school because of a late night party. Pearl and I have tried to have an intervention about her "stress reliever" as she calls it but to no avail. 

We have maybe 10 minutes until we have to head to class so we go to sit under our tree. Lapis found it back in freshman year behind the office building. It's a pretty skinny tree that doesn't provide much shade so no one hangs around it much, but to us it's perfect. Lapis named it the "Tea Tree" and it's where we would go to share a secret or something like that. 

The car ride was suspiciously quiet and Pearl has been acting weird since last night. I lead her to the tree because I KNOW something had to have happened at that party and I need to get to the bottom of it. 

"Pearl." She looks around anxiously. "Pearl what happened last night." She looks away as a blush forms on her face. Ooh, this had to be good.

"Uh it- it was nothing..." She pulls her turtleneck up a little more. "I was just talking with Amethyst like you saw. That's it."

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