A Slap to the Face

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~Ruby's POV~ 

"Thanks," I smile at her before she yawns. Then I realize how late it is.

"It's late Sapphy, I should get you home." She yawns again before nodding. I stand and help her up, fold the blanket and head back to the car. The ride is short to her house. I walk her inside and make sure she's all settled before I leave. 

"I'll see you later today. I have to get back home and deal with dad and all. Just get some sleep, and I'll come to get you around 1. Or sooner, either works." I blush at the thought of spending my birthday with her. This'll definitely be the best birthday ever. 

"Okay, I'll miss you. Even if we did just spend the whole weekend together." She laughs a bit but I can tell she's exhausted. "Yeah me too. Get some sleep, Sapphire. I'll see you later okay?" 

We kiss for a minute until she lets go, heading to her room. I lock her door behind me before heading home.

I quietly unlock the back door, hoping that dad isn't awake. I sneak upstairs and crash on my bed, not even caring to change my clothes. Immediately I pass out.


I wake up probably more exhausted then I was when I fell asleep. It's only 10 in the morning so I might as well go out for a jog. I still don't think I'm ready to face dad yet. He's going to blow up when he sees me. 

I change my clothes and grab my headphones, listening to anything at random. My thoughts immediately go to this weekend.

Sapphire is just... everything. I don't think I've ever been in love but I never want to be out of it again. I've never met a girl this amazing, someone I can be myself around. She loves me, accepts me, makes me feel like I'm special and not just another person in this huge world. She makes me feel like I matter. I hope I'm doing the same for her. 

My phone starts to ring and I start to smile. Maybe this is Sapphire calling good morning? I pause my music and pull out my phone, only to see it's my dad. I sigh and stop running then answer the call.


"Where are you?" He sounds angry and tired.

"I'm out running," I reply, matching his attitude.

He sighs and I can almost see him rubbing his eyes as usual. "Get home. Now. You're in big trouble missy." I hate it when he calls me that. He literally only uses it to make me pissed off and it always does. I hang up the phone and start running, not jogging, back home. Woohoo, 18.

I go through the front door and start heading upstairs. Hopefully, I can at least shower before the lecture. 

"RUBY!" I sigh. Nevermind.

Slowly I walk back downstairs to the kitchen where he's leaning against the counter. "Sup daddy-o," I say sarcastically. 

"Where have you been all weekend? Do you have any idea how much shit you're in?" He slides me over a plate of food. Birthday breakfast? And he's yelling at me? Is he mad or not.

And more importantly, do I tell him the truth? 

Well, I'm 18 now. He can't legally tell me what to do anymore so I guess it wouldn't hurt? 

"I went to see mom," I fess up. "It was actually pretty eye-opening," I get a little angry as the words come out, remembering that dad has been lying to me this whole time.

"What do you mean Ruby?" He's not anxious, but curious, as if this means nothing to him.

"Mom told me what she's really in jail for. And how she could be there even longer. How long were you gonna hide that from me? Was it supposed to be an 18th birthday surprise where you tell me the truth about everything I've been lied to about?"

Dad only smirks, sipping at his coffee. I swear I'm gonna kill this man one day. Always acting like everything I say is a joke. 

"We didn't have to tell you shit Ruby. I was gonna tell you. Later. Maybe when she got out. And don't act you're all high and mighty above lying and crap. You lie every day when you hang out with your friends and don't tell them who you are. When you walk past a police officer who looks at you and assumes you're just some innocent kid. When you ditch class or talk to me. You're no better than the rest of us Ruby. One day you'll learn and stop fighting me." 

He's trying to bring me down again. trying to keep me in place and obedient like the rest of the gang. But that won't work on me anymore. "So what I have to lie to my friends! I don't want to but we both know they'll be practically dead if they knew about me," I start to think of Sapphire and how she knows everything. The danger I put her in. "Lying about mom is much worse than any lie I had to make up. You know how I feel about her." 

He ignores everything I said and continues to talk like I don't exist. "A trip to your mom doesn't take a whole weekend. Where else did you go?" I'm gripping onto the counter, just about ready to fight him. Fuck this. He won't listen to shit I say.

"You really want to know? I was out of town with my GIRLFRIEND. Since she's the only person in my damn life who gives a fuck, she wanted to take me on a trip out of town cause she knows how much of an asshole you are! And you know what? It was amazing! She's amazing! She's everything I've ever wanted and she makes me happy and she accepts me and I'd much rather go anywhere in the world with her then be stuck in this fucking gang with you!"

I pause and take a deep breathe, realizing I just came out. I'm suddenly much more afraid than I was before.

He looks at me for a moment, keeping a poker face before sighing, coming around the counter to look down at me. "So you're gay huh?" I swallow nervously. "Yes. I am."

He looks around the room as if he's looking for something. For a split second I see his hand come up and the next thing I know, my head whips to the side from a strong slap. My left cheek is searing in pain. I look back at him with a deadly glare. No way in hell am I going along with that. I raise my own fist and punch him back hard. This isn't this first time we've hit each other nor will it be the last. 

His head also goes to the side from my hit. He holds his jaw as I speak. "Homophobia? Really dad? Of all the problems in your life, I'm surprised you have room for this one." By now we're both holding our own faces having a stare off. To disrespect my relationship is to disrespect Sapphire and there's no way in hell I will ever allow him to do so. Then he begins to laugh. Long and hard.

The day barely started and I'm already tired of this. I sit down on one of the bar stools and let him have his stupid moment. Then maybe he'll actually talk to me like an adult. 

Dad takes a deep breathe before sitting down next to me, I don't look at him.

"So what's her name?"

"Sapphire," I respond calmly. He just shakes his head in near disbelief before chugging the rest of his coffee.

"My little girl is gay," he whispers to himself.

"I'm not your little girl. I'm 18. I make my own decisions whether you like it or not." 

He nods, probably still processing this information. "She'll never love you if she knows the truth."

"She already does you dipshit." He sighs for probably the 50th time this morning before standing.

"We'll talk about this later. I want to meet her before the party or else there is none. Happy birthday, kiddo."

"Fuck you dad."

"Fuck you too Ruby."

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