~Chapter 5~

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"Hi [Y/N] How's college?" I heard a lovely brunette by the name of Sasha's voice come through the other line.
"Hey good cute. Pretty decent I suppose, did I tell you that my new roommate is a boy?" I reply, playing with the straw in my drink.
"Huuuhhh no way! Is he cute?~" Sasha gasps.
"What? So not the point here! Anyhow, even if I did happen to think he was physically appealing, he has a girlfriend. Whom by the way seems kinda weird so, I'm not about to interfere." I scoff.
"Oh my. Well, who knows. Anything could happen~"
I rolled my eyes to her response.
"Anywayyysss, how are things going with your new job? HOW IS HANGE DOING WITH WORK? She owns the business now right? That weird cute little voodoo store?" I bombard Sasha with questions.
"It's great! I don't do any of the taxidermy and whatnot myself, I just help costumers and go through stock. She's really good! Same old Hange, she's actually had me run the store a few times while she works on her side projects at home.
Speaking of which.... what're you doing right now?" Sasha asks.
"Well I'm currently at a bar with my roommate and his friends... Do you maybe wanna come meet us?" I ask.
"Yes! I'll bring Hange!"

I gave Sasha the address and she said she'd arrive in a bit because they were gonna take a cab, they had a couple of drinks in their system already.

"Another phone call? What'd he want this time?" Eren asked as he came over to me.
"Oh- actually that was my other friend, I invited her along, is that okay?" I question.
"Yeah of course."
Just then Madeline came strutting through the doors into the bar, basically straddling Eren once she reached us.
She sure likes to mark her territory...
Mikasa rolled her eyes.
"Hey babe I'm gonna go to the ladies room real quick, can you get me a cosmopolitan?" She gave a half giggle.
"Those are like 10 bucks here, and I only have 40 bucks to my name right now. What if we just order a couple of pitchers then we can drink more and still have money for food." Eren suggested.
"Egh! I hate beer! Do you really want me to have a shitty night baby?" Madeline pouted.
"Well- I only have like 30 bucks on me, I could split a couple of pitchers with you" I say, looking at Eren.
"Then you'd still have money to buy her some drinks and food, yeah?"
"Hey! That's works great." Eren smiled.
Madeleine scowled at me from bottom to top.
"Yeah, problem solved." She said in a maliciously cheerful tone.
What is with this girl? Damn. I feel like my eyes are going to roll into the back of my skull by the end of tonight.
I once again noticed Mikasa rolling her eyes.

"[Y/N]!!~" I heard a familiar voice chirp from behind me.
I turned around to be faced with two slim, tall brunettes.
"Oh my goodness, hey." I smile, hugging both of them.
"Where's Levi?" Hange asks.
"He's not here, I'm currently rooming with um... him." I reply, pointing in Eren's direction.
"A boy?!" Hange gasps.
"Yeah hahah, it was unexpected.. he has a girlfriend though and he's very respectful so, don't get any ideas. Levi barely let this slide." I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.
"Wowwwww, he's pretty cute, exactly your type too~." Sasha lightly jabbed me with her elbow.
"He really is a good looking guy!" Hange joined in.
"Not my type- Would you guys cut it out? He's got a girlfriend... Plus- he's annoying. I really don't like him that way! ANYWAYS, Come sit with the group." I lead them over.

"This is Hange and this is Sasha, get aquatinted." I greeted the girls to the group.
Hange was immediately dragged into conversation and Sasha sparked an interest in the kid with the buzz cut... Connie I believe. He's kind of a nut case and she definitely is too so, this was expected. The both of them shared a plate of wings and were quite literally slurping the meat off of the bones.
Meanwhile I was awkwardly observing everyone's conversations whilst sipping on my drink and rocking back and forth to the music that was playing in the background.
Ymir, Historia, and Armin were having their own mini conversation to which I was most fixated on.
Armin and Historia were debating over the context of Stephen King novels.
Armin kept insisting upon the fact that there was hidden occult symbolism within his works. However, Historia wasn't buying it insisting that Stephen King was simply just a story teller and his stories were just meant to entertain.
Their conversation was interrupted by Ymir slithering her arm around Historia in a minor jealous rage.
"Hey darling, whatcha guys talking about?" She questioned slyly.

Just then, Santeria by Sublime came on and I was immediately filled with positivity. Alcohol was in my system so I have an excuse for being more annoying than usual.
"OH my god!" I said, drumming the table and leaping from my seat.
Everyone at the table stared dumbfounded at me as I scurried and began doing the running man, obviously lacking talent in the dance department.
"Hey! 1995 just called and they want their dance back!" Jean chuckled.
"You know what? Shut up horse!" Eren said as he got up and joined me in what was now an air guitar duo, trying to comfort me in an odd way.
Boy, he sure didn't strike me as the type to do this kind of thing.
Just then, I noticed Madeline sporting quite the unimpressed look.

I feel the need to address the issue considering I didn't want to cause any problems but JUST as I was about to bring it to Eren's attention he then began doing the cabbage patch which nearly knocked me on my ass laughing, then also causing me to nearly slap someone's drink out of their hand.
"Hey! Watch it you dumb skank!" The broad shouldered ken doll type yelled at me.
"Hey! Don't call her a skank, you asshole!" Eren snarled.
"Hah. What're you gonna do about it piss brain?" The man growled in
response as his friends creeped behind him.
All I see in that moment was Mikasa's foot fly by, hitting one of their faces with it.
"BAR FIIIIGHT!!" Jean shouts, standing up and leading Reiner, Bertholt, Ymir, Connie and Annie with him.
"Fuck it!" Sasha came charging in to help fight too quickly slurping up a wing, leaving Hange observing us all in fascination.
"This again?" Historia pouted, Armin chuckling slightly.
"Y-yeah. You know what? I think I'll sit this one out." He added.

As the ken doll stepped towards Eren, I quickly jumped onto his back as an attempt of tackling him down to the ground. However, despite the fact that I was completely wrapped around his upper body, I didn't interrupt his motions whatsoever as he began throwing punches towards Eren, who seemed to be almost expertly blocking them.
Just as that was happening Bad Reputation by Joan Jett began to play.
"WHAT ARE THE ODDS OF THIS HAPPENIIINNNGG?!" I yelled being flailed around as though riding a bucking bull.
Just then, Eren's powerful fist clubbed his face, jolting him back, simultaneously sending me flying backwards.
For a moment, all I could see was blurs and blinking lights, but when my vision cleared, I could see Eren hovering over me grappling ken doll in a head lock, continuously apologizing to me for sending me flying.
All I could do was laugh.
"This is a very humours situation." I say, staggering as I pull myself up.
"My friend here, has something to say to you." Eren stated, gesturing towards ken doll's bruised and battered head, locked between his powerful right arm.
"I'm sorry for insulting your girlfriend!" He squeals.
"That's not his girlfriend!" Madeline snarls, as she jolts her arm around him.
"Yeah. Not really the issue at hand here Madeline." Mikasa growled, steadying a grown man under her foot while grasping another painfully by the back of his hair.
I knew Mikasa didn't like her. Now, the only question is... is it because she's over protective? Or, is it because Madeline is bat shit crazy?
I then noticed a group of bouncers walking towards us, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Time to go! Time to go!" I exclaim flailing my hands in a panic like a worried mother rounding up her children.
Everybody notices, quickly dropping their victims and following me to the exit.

We finally exited the building, bouncers close behind us.
Once we hit the pavement Mikasa quickly turns around.
"You guys really wanna step onto our turf?" She raised an eyebrow, placing her hands at each side of her hips.
"D-don't come back!" The bouncer said in a less than confident voice.
"Well somebody knows how to ruin a good time." Madeline said passive aggressively, looking in my direction.
"Are you kidding me? That was a blast!" Jean cheered.
"I really needed that workout." Mikasa said flatly, checking her finger nails for dirt.
"Let's go raise hell somewhere else!" Connie cheered.
"Mmmhhmm!" Sasha mumbled with a mouth full of meat at which point we all noticed she was grasping a handful of wings.
"Did you... bring your bar food out here with you?" Eren raised an eyebrow.
"I spvent ten nivnety vfive on these!" She said, sputtering bits of chicken out of her mouth.
"Eren you can ride with me!" Madeline said, grabbing ahold of Eren's arm practically glaring at me.
"Hey wall girl, want to hitch a ride with me?" Mikasa asked cooly.
I paused for a second.
"EREN! You told her?!" I whined.
"Hey! In my defence, it was hilarious." The brunette chuckled.
"Can ve vom tvoo?" Sasha questioned spitting more food out of her mouth, meanwhile gesturing to Hange.
"Finish your chicken first, wing girl." Mikasa said flatly, unlocking what appeared to be her brand new decked out black charger sporting a skull and cross bones symbol on her hood with her key fob.

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