~Chapter 19~

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Hange's car pulled into a gated mansion.
"What is this?" I ask.
"A house party!" Sasha replied giddily.
"Wow... that's some house..." I say, dumbfounded.
"It's gonna be some party." Mikasa retorted.
"Come on wall girl, wit girl and wing girl. Let's do this thing." She added, exiting the car with style.

We entered the foyer, and to my surprise it was almost identical to the original resident evil mansion.
But a hell of a lot shinier.
The entrance hall was crowded and everyone seemed to know Mikasa.
"How do you know someone who owns a house like this?" I whisper to her.
"This house is owned by a well decorated war general, one of the generals in my parents division. This is general Smith's house." Mikasa replies.
"Wait- Smith... As in Erwin Smith?!" I gasp.
"Yeah, you know him?" She asks.
"YES! He teaches my English literature class!" I exclaim.
"He's one of your teachers? Huh. I knew he was semi retired and teaching but that's a weird coincidence." Mikasa said.
At the top of the stairway I noticed professor Erwin Smith engaged in conversation with..... Levi?
"What in the fuck is Levi doing here?" I ask.
"Huh. Good question, let's go see shall we?" Mikasa hooked arms with me and we headed for the top of the stair way.

"Levi, how do you know my professor?" I ask.
"Are you kidding me?" Levi said, gesturing to professor Erwin.
"He was the general of my division."
"What?!" Mikasa asks.
"Wait- division twenty-four!" She salutes Levi.
"Division twenty-five." He salutes back.
"Oh my goodness, what a small world." Mikasa chuckled.
"We probably passed each other in the hallways a dozen times and didn't even realize it."
"Division twenty-two, intelligence reporting for duty sir!" Hange and Sasha exclaimed, both saluting.
"Wait- you've all known each other this whole time?!" I ask, completely   dumbfounded.
"Well- to be clear Hange and I knew each other, general Smith was our leader. We were a covert operation designed to take down dangerous street gangs who were a threat to national security." Levi explains.
"There used to be a lot of divisions, but... I guess there's just not that many of us left anymore. The Titans were the only gang we were never able to take down." Erwin adds.
"That's cause they ran away like little bitches!" Sasha cackled.
"But anyways! We didn't come here to talk business, did we?" Erwin says, producing a bottle of whiskey.
"As they say in laymen terms *ahem* let's get fucked!"
Everybody cheered.

Several drinks and shots later, I accompanied Mikasa while she had a smoke on the balcony.
"Can I ask you something?" I ask as she takes her first drag.
"What happened to you and Eren... like really?"
Mikasa sighs.
"You know, that's kind of a sad story. You really want to hear a sad story at a party?"
"Why not? There's plenty of booze to numb the pain." I chuckle.
"Okay. I'll tell you, but after this we're going in that hot tub." She says.
"Uh... I don't have a bathing suit.." I utter.
"Good thing I brought one for you. So, do we have a deal?" She asks.
"Agh, fine." I reply.
"I don't remember a whole lot about my parents, but after Eren's parents took me in, things got a little messy. His dad was sent undercover to infiltrate the Titans, after his last mission we just never heard back from him. There were rumours that he had been killed, and others that he hadn't." She explained.
"What do you mean?" I question.
"The rumours were that he had betrayed us, and joined the Titans. That was a hard pill for Eren to swallow considering that his mother was killed by the Titans right in front of us, the man that killed her was an assassin that was sent to kill his father. If we hadn't gotten home earlier than usual that day, she wouldn't have discovered him, and she would have still been alive. I just can't understand why his dad would join the bruit force that murdered his wife, and killed my parents. It took a lot for Eren to get over that, but on the other hand it made Eren and I fight harder."
"Wow. That's awful, I'm terribly sorry." I say.
"Yeah, well, whatever. Anyways, now tell me your full story and we'll head to the hot tub after. Full detail, don't blow me off like last time." Mikasa demanded.
I rolled my eyes.
"I don't recall that being part of the deal." I chuckle.
"Well it is now. You owe me a morbid story from what I just told you." She retorted.
I sighed.
"Well, as you know my father and my mother adopted Levi into our family a few months before I was born. So, afterwards as what we had thought was our perfect life went on, I entered the age of 7 and my father fell into heavy drug addiction, causing him to be absent in our lives. My mother then took her own life, causing him to spiral down further. I was essentially raised by Levi. He saved me the many times that our father put us into danger, he was a useless man to say the least. He didn't work so Levi had to get a job at a very young age to at least be able to feed us something as simple as crackers. Soon after a while, as Levi and I began to mature, he left one day and never came back." I ended my explanation shaking my head simply, with a chuckle.
"Jesus Christ, what a mind fuck." Mikasa replied.
"That explains why you're so fucking cheerfully morbid I suppose."
Mikasa then nudged me playfully.
I giggled under my smirk.
"What do ya say we go get into that hot tub now, hm?" She giggled affectionately.
"I think we could both use that right about now." I agreed, with a smile.

Mikasa and I shared another couple of drinks inside of the hot tub accompanied by a large group of people, singing Everybody by the Backstreet Boys. Mikasa and I could not help but join in, laughing as we watched drunk people jump into the pool next to us with their clothes on.
Suddenly Mikasa noticed her phone chime.
"Dude, can you pass me my phone?" She gestured to a drunken staggering body passing by.
"Uh oh. Eren's on his way." Mikasa said flatly.
Shocked, I choke on my drink.
"Eren's coming?" I ask, coughing slightly.
"Well, at least now you'll get to know what actually happened." She shrugged.
"Wanna take a quick jump into the pool and get dressed?" She asks.
"I don't knoooowww, I look pretty damn nice in this bikini." I gestured to my 50's goth looking two piece that Mikasa had strategically picked out for me.
"Okay, a bikini party it is." Mikasa chuckled.

When Eren finally showed up, we were poolside, drying off and enjoying a few cocktails that some off duty bartender had made us right out of his cooler.
"Hey g-ang." Eren stammered a bit walking towards us.
"Eren!" Several people cheered.
"All my people are here! It's officially a partyyyyy!" Eren cheered as well.
"Oh shit. He's hammered." Mikasa scoffed.
"You okay guy?" I asked as Eren headed towards us.
The drunken off duty bartender handed him a cocktail.
"Try this bro." He smirked.
"I am now!" Eren said, raising his drink.
"Eren buddy, I think you should maybe slow down a little maybe?" I say.
"Fuck slowing down. Go hard or go home!" He shouted. Everyone cheered.
Now I know how Eren feels trying to do this shit with me, pay back I suppose. Roommates are a pain.
Mikasa and I get up and help Eren to calm down and sit in a chair.
"I think you two should talk." I widen my eyes as Mikasa gestures to the two of us and then wonders off into the crowd joining into their singing and dancing.
"Sooooo... you and Madeline?" I begin.
"That's a page for the history books." Eren says, booping me.
"So- what happened to date night?" I question.
"Turns out date night was more than I could afford. Man, that girl has expensive taste. I told her she should be more like you- aaaaaand everything just fell apart from there."
"Huh. Is that why she tried to kick my ass?" I chuckle.
"Wait- you saw Madeline?"
"Her and two other barbies. They tried to jump me! But then Mikasa showed up." I reply.
"Oh!- o-oh. I'm sorry. I probably shouldn't have told her about your party..." Eren rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Ere- Ugh. What did- you say to her about that?" I question.
Eren got up and pulled his chair closer to me.
"You're a special person." He said, pointing towards me.
"Special needs? Yes. But also special in other ways. I told her you were special, and I wanted you to have a special day."
"Hence why she was so angry at me!" I chuckle.
"Agh, we don't need her!" He brushed it off.
"We uh- we have each other!" Eren said affectionately.
"We do? In what way?" I tilted my head.
"Hahaha. You're so cute, you know what I mean." He chuckled.
"Uh- I don't- do I?" I question.
Eren's lips began nearing mine.
"Wait- Eren... we're drunk right now- some of us more than others- and... I don't wanna be a mistake..." I trail off.
"My whole life is a big mistake." He said.
"Maybe we can be each other's solution."
Eren then kissed me, and I let him.
I can't believe this.. first of all, why am I letting this happen?! Am I brain dead? Eren and Madeline legitimately just broke up and I know this is a mistake and I know he'll probably regret it so why am I setting myself up for heartbreak?!
I don't even think he'll remember this... but still I can't help but hear his words repeat in the back of my head...
"Maybe we can be each other's solution."
Does he really mean that? Or is he just drunk? Why would someone like Eren ever go for someone like me?
Or is that question actually my answer?
Ugh! I can't wrap my head around this! Maybe for once instead of stressing about what is to come I should just.... Live in the moment and enjoy what's happened right here, right now.
I'll never truly be happy if I continue to stress about what's going to happen tomorrow, or years from now.
"[Y/N]? Are you okay?" Eren asks.

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