~Chapter 14~

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As I rehydrated myself, my dizzy buzz began to ware off.
"How coherent are you right now?" Mikasa turned to me.
"Well, I don't have eight legs anymore." I say, looking at her.
"How was life as a Hindu Deity?" She chuckled.
"Well, the scenery was attractive, however heavens rent prices were uncontrolled and out the roof. Think I'll try staying here for a while." I scrunched my face agreeably.
Mikasa laughed lightly.
"Seem's like a sensible choice. But how grounded are you right now?"
"Enough to confess my love for Eren to you." I quickly slammed both of my palms over my mouth, widening my eyes.
"FUCK! Did I just say that? Oh jeez. Maybe I'm still drunk. Mikasa, quick! Slam this bottle of water over my head!" I said, handing the bottle I was holding over to her.
"HAH! I knew it." She replied, tossing the bottle of water into the back.
"Alcohol is truth serum."
"Wait! Are you manipulating me?" I questioned.
"Hell no, but I can sure as hell thank Madeline for that one. I mean- okay, I fed you a few shots, but I just wanted us to have fun together tonight." Mikasa noogied me.
"I had no idea you'd pull that ditzy Ariana Grande bullshit you did back there."
"Actually it was K. Flay." I correct her.
"Same shit, different pile."
I chuckled at her response.
"Jesus fuckin Christ. I'm a mess, aren't I?" I sigh.
"Yeah, it's fun though. You're like a less annoying version of Eren. Still annoying, but tolerable. You're cool in my books." Mikasa smirked.
Less annoying? That's shocking.
"Wait... are we becoming good friends?" My eyes gleamed.
"God, why do you have to make everything such a cheese dick moment?" She chuckled.
I smiled, looking out the windows to the stars.

This was pure, sitting here, feeling the cool breeze fly onto my face as the sounds of waves played in the background.
The buzz was definitely wearing off, Mikasa had successfully nurtured me back to health, or at least some sense of clarity.
"Do you really like Eren?" She asked bluntly.
I began to snicker uncontrollably.
"Stop that." She commanded.
My snickering smile was instantly silenced.
"I... Ugh- fuck it. Yeah, I do." I said bluntly.
"For how long?" She questioned.
"Well... Ever since I laid eyes on him, to be quite honest with you." I reply.
"Can I ask you something?" I add.
"Yeah, go for it." Mikasa replies.
"Why would Eren be with someone like Madeline?"
"Other than the fact she has a rock hard ass?" Mikasa raised an eyebrow.
"Well, for starters, Eren likes to feel useful. Needed if you will, but more importantly, he is attracted to naivety and innocence because he himself is naive and innocent. Let's face it, Madeline is no nuclear biologist, if there's such a thing." Mikasa explained.
"I don't imagine there is, that sounds like a conflicting career choice." I reply.
Mikasa laughed.
"Fuck, are you ever a cheese dick."
I chuckled as well.
"I love you." She said.
"Awww- Whaaat?" I covered my mouth with my hands.
"Tell anyone I ever told you that, especially Eren, and I will skin you alive." Mikasa threatened.
"But as I was saying" She continues.
"Eren is definitely one to feel needed, I'm guessing the problem right now is that he feels far too needed by Madeline."
"Well I for one, would treat him like a prince." I replied, extending my finger up towards the stars.
"Did you just fuckin boop the stars?" Miaksa scoffs.
".... Boop." I whisper, under my breath.
"Now I did." I turned to her.
"You're such a nerd, you're so perfect for Eren." Mikasa said.
"Why on earth would that be perfect for Eren?" I question, doubting myself entirely.
"Because it means you won't fuck him over." She replied, looking straight into my eyes.
"So you really care about him, don't you?" I say, lifting my head towards her.
"His family took care of me, I owe him that." She replied simply.
"That's the honourable thing to do. Look after him, ya know?"
It was silent for a few moments.
".... So what the fuck happened to you?" Mikasa piped up.
"What do you mean?" I look at her in confusion.
"I mean... Let's just be honest here, how did you become the girl from the exorcist? What's your back story?" Mikasa explained.
I immediately bursted out into chuckles.
"Haha, what're you talking about?"
"Oh my god." Mikasa stated in instant realization.
"That's your bandaid. Your fucking over positivity is your bandaid."
My giggles then immediately stopped in their tracks.
"It's just easier that way." I shrugged it off.
"Easier why?" Mikasa leaned towards me, propping her head up with her forearm.
"Because... sad stuff... isn't... fun?" I shrug.
"I don't necessarily think that part of life is supposed to be fun." Mikasa retorted.
"Alright, here's the deal. If I tell you why Eren's family took me in, will you spill the beans on your own back story? Is that fair?" Mikasa raised an eyebrow.
"Okay." I sighed hesitantly.
"Okay well, my parents were murdered." Mikasa said bluntly.
"Murdered? By who?"
"We don't really know, but we do know that they were associated with a gang." She explained.
"A gang? What gang?" I questioned.
"The Titans."
"Wait- are you talking about THE Titans?" I raised both of my eyebrows.
"The ones everyone knows about?"
"Yep." Mikasa replied flatly.
"The international crime syndicate, right? We're on the same page?" I ask.
"Yeah. That's them. They're pretty high profile, our military was investigating them. My dad was a soldier, so was Eren's dad. After my parents were slaughtered by them, Eren's father posed as an undercover agent, infiltrating them. But that's all I'll say on the matter right now, your turn." Mikasa stated.
I sighed.
"Well, I guess I'll start off by saying that this is a fucking weird coincidence, but my adopted brother, Levi, his parents were also murdered by the Titans. He had been in military training from a young age. My parents adopted him into our family, just a few months before I was born. My father was a drug addict and my mother died. That's really all there is to know, Levi pretty much raised me I guess. That's why he's such a tight ass." I chuckled.
"Jeez. That's rough, I'm sorry." Mikasa said firmly.
I immediately shrugged it off.
"At least you have me to kick around with wall girl." She then smirked and put her arm around me.

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