~Chapter 15~

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Ugh... Where am I? This isn't my bed...
I groan and propped myself up.
I look over to see Mikasa's perfect slumbering face. I was confused, but calm now that I know I wasn't in danger.
I look around her room, noticing various old horror movie posters.

Jeez, my throat is dry as fuck and my head hurts. I need water.
Alright well, let's go look for some cups then.

She lived in a small duplex from what it looked like, most of her furniture was black. I'm not normally one to snoop, however it was kind of cool to get a little insight on who Mikasa is when she isn't kicking ass.
"Wait... what is this?" I say to myself aloud, approaching a tank with what seemed to be a living creature inside it.
She has a... snake? I think it's a Boa constrictor judging by the size of the tank.
"There you are, I was worried you had drunkenly wondered off into the streets while I was asleep." I hear a somewhat tired, stern female voice speak from behind me.
"Oh- sorry, I'm not typically one to snoop but I figured snooping would be a lot less creepy than watching you sleep until you woke up." I reply.
"Yeah yeah, don't sweat it wall girl." She chuckled as she made her way into the kitchen.
I then noticed a cabinet which I proceeded to open.
"You're more than welcome to keep snooping, I've got nothing to hide from you- HEY!" Mikasa turned to see me opening her cabinet that held multiple different mangas, and anime series.
I gasped.
"YOU LIKE ANIM-" Mikasa instantly forced her hand over my mouth, muffling the remainder of my words.
"Speak of this to ANYONE, and I will make you my personal bitch."
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, she then let go of my face.
"Yep no worries, this pocket is zipped." I held my hands up as if surrendering.
"Is that even a saying?" Mikasa raised an eyebrow.
"It is now." I shrug.
I then followed Mikasa to the kitchen as she prepared some coffee for the two of us.

"I should probably get home and look after Leo, god only knows how Eren would react if he got stuck with him." I said.
"Hm... I'm thinking.." Mikasa spoke cunningly.
I tilt my head in wonder of what she's about to say.
"It might be a good idea for Leo and Eren to get to know each other today. As for me and you? We should have a girls day, you know, do girly things like get manicures, and shit." She suggested.
"Wait- you do that kinda stuff?" I ask in confusion.
"Never in my life." She stated.
"I'm not even entirely sure I know what a manicure is."
"I've never done that stuff either." I shrug. "Where do you even go to do that sort of thing?"
"I guess we can find out together." Mikasa said.
"For some reason that sounds.... really exciting." I purse my lips, grooving my head.
"I know right? Fuck, it's like we're affecting each other with estrogen." She added with disgust.

~Third Person Point of View~

Eren was sitting on the couch in the living room playing Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles on the Nintendo Game Boy Advance.
"Yes! I'm about to finish this game! Only one man left, on the last boss. You can do this Eren, it's all you!" He cheers himself on.
"MEOORRRWW!" Leo shrieked, appearing on back back of the couch directly behind Eren.
"FUCK!" Eren shouted, stumbling forward in complete shock. The game boy flying out of his hand.
"No no no no no!" Eren scrambled towards it.
"Thank fuck." He sighed in relief, realizing he wasn't dead yet.
"Oh shit! Only three bars of health left.... I can still do this. This is all you Eren!" He said, lying flat on his stomach, the Game Boy once again in hand.
Leo quickly leapt onto his back.
"FUCK!" Eren shrieked, startled. Sending the Game Boy flying upwards.
Eren quickly crawled forward attempting to catch it. He reached out, however the Game Boy ricocheted out of his hand, he then quickly attempted to catch it with the other, once again it ricocheted towards the couch.
"I can still do this!" Eren shouted, trotting hands and knees towards the couch.
"Shit- Only one bar left.. But... I just need to hit the final boss three more times... This is going to take some strategy." Eren's fingers fumbled the buttons, his face filled with enthusiasm, tongue hanging out.
"One!" He uttered, striking The Shredder, then instantly leaping Donattelo away.
"... Two!" Eren huffed again, blowing his second strike.
"Just one more!" Eren said, becoming giddy.
He launched back towards Shredder, his thumb hovering steadily above the button as he prepared for the final strike to win the game.
Leo's head suddenly popped up from behind the Game Boy.
"MREOW!" Leo yelled.
Eren's fingers stumbled, striking the blow too soon. He watched in horror as Shredder's fist was thrusted towards Donatello's face.
"NOOOOOOOO!" Eren protested to the heavens, as Donatello was struck.
His heroic mutant body, shrinking to the size of a baby turtle, then disappearing.
Eren dropped the game boy to the floor.
Leo sat in front of him, calmly, letting out a little coo.
"You.... fuzzy headed asshat." Eren growled.
Leo tilted his head with innocence, once again cooing.
Eren suddenly noticed the clock, it was 1:30 in the afternoon.
"Have I... been playing for three hours?" He muttered, then his stomach grumbled.
"Oh, I'm starving. I forgot to eat..."
he lifted himself from the ground, glaring at Leo.
"You stay here, dumbass." He hissed, backing away towards the kitchen slowly ensuring that the cat didn't move a muscle.
Leo sat perfectly still.
"Yeah! That's right." He barked, feeling that his authority had been asserted he walked confidently to the kitchen.
"Grilled cheese? Yes. A hero's sandwich." He said, reaching for the bread and cheese, then proceeding to head to the cupboard where the pans were.
"A warrior must choose his weapon wisely." He said, digging through the mess of pans.
Leo suddenly appeared on the countertop.
"MEOW!" He screeched.
"FUCK!" The pans then came toppling down onto Eren, sending him crashing to the floor. He managed to shield himself in a warrior stance, protecting his precious skull from trauma, until the pans landed beside him.
"HAH! Missed me." Eren said, sitting up.
A final pan suddenly fell from the cabinet, striking him clear in the skull.
"OW- OW OW!" Eren cried, grabbing onto the injury.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" He yells at Leo.
"Wait- Are you hungry?" He glances over towards his dish, noticing that it is indeed full.
"Well- what the fuck then? Is your litter box full?" Eren shrugged angrily towards Leo. He dashed to the laundry room, popping his head through the doorway. The litter box was sparkling clean.
He then dashed back towards the kitchen.
"Did your mom forget to water you? I don't understand!" Eren threw his hands into the air, then glancing towards his water dish, it was full as well.
"I'm watching you." Eren points at the clueless feline.
He then ignites the stove, placing butter into the pan, swinging his head back towards Leo to assure that he had not moved. Leo stood still.
Eren sighed, watching the butter melt into the pan as well as eagerly holding the ingredients in his hands.
When the butter had covered the interior of the pan, he quickly threw the first slice down.
He quickly stopped in his tracks.
"Where's the cat?!" Leo was nowhere to be seen.
He quickly turned his head back to ensure he wouldn't be startled again.
"Good. He fucked off." Eren muttered under his breath.
Just then, violent clicks and scratches were to be heard from the living room.
"What is that fucker doing?" Eren stormed towards the sounds.
Only to find Leo gnawing and scratching away at his Game Boy.
"NO NO NO! STOP THAT!" He clapped.
But Leo continued.
"The spray bottle!" Eren said in realization.
He ran back towards the kitchen and then quickly returned, spray bottle in hand.
"Heheheheheh." Eren chuckled manically, squeezing the trigger.
As Leo's face was splashed, he shrieked, taking ahold of the Game Boy in his mouth and running off with it.
"HEY! Come back here! That was twenty dollars at the pawn shop!" Eren yelled, scrambling after him.
Leo scattered up the stair way like a lizard, dragging the Game Boy beneath him.
"This is exactly why you weren't welcome here in the first place!" Eren shouted, crawling after him attempting to grab him by the tail.
Leo trampled through the hallway towards Eren's room.
"Now you're in my turf." Eren smirked deviously.
Upon arriving to his room however, there was no sight of Leo.
Eren clenched the spray bottle, prepared to pull the trigger at any moment as he crept into the room.
"I'm going to find you you little rat bastard, there's only so many places you can hide." He snarled, then noticing his bed.
"AHAH. I've got you now." He plopped down to the floor on his stomach, fixing his eyes to the dark shadowy interior underneath the bed,
However, there was no sign of Leo.
Eren stood up, looking around his well organized room.
The kitchen fire alarm suddenly braided.
"Oh no!" Eren said, scrambling back to the kitchen, which was immersed in smoke.
He quickly removed the pan from the burner, tossing it into the sink, then waving the smoke out of his face with a cough.
Eren noticed the window out of the corner of his eye, he quickly rushed over and opened it.
He then reached for a dish towel so that he could fan away the smoke.
"MEORW!" Leo screeched.
"Oh... shit." Eren slowly peeked his head back to the window.
Leo was outside, starting back at Eren through the window.
Eren's phone suddenly chimed.

Hey, I abducted [Y/N] for the day, and we're putting you in charge of Leo. Your sorry ass better look after him.

"Oh fuck, [Y/N] is gonna kill me."

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