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y'all are at a haunted house and you are terrified, but ariana's not because she loves scary stuff, and she protects you from it all.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" i clung onto my girlfriend's arm for dear life as she led us with ease and calmness

She laughed "babe nothing has popped out yet"

"It's a fucking haunted house- it's gonna come any second and I want to be prepared for it. Your fine with it because you like scary shit like this" I said while looking at every direction twice before walking again

Ariana laughed again but also gave me a quick peck on the lips "and I love you for being brave and coming with me" she said staring into my eyes

Suddenly I wasn't scared anymore as I was putty in her beautiful brown eyes
"I love you to-" all the sudden a clown popped out screaming at us

I yelled and buried myself in Ariana's neck
"Hey shoo! Your scaring my girl!" Ariana shooed the clown and led me away to a different room

"I know they're not real but shit they're still scary" i said slowly depriving myself from her
"We got this, babe. Just a few more rooms." She intertwined our hands as we quickly sped walked out of there

Everytime someone would pop out I'd end up in ariana's arms while she told them off.

After what seemed like forever, we finally got out of that hell house.
I let out a big breathe and placed my hands on my knees
"Holy shit I'm never doing that again!" I layed on the floor out of breathe

Ariana giggled wildly at my state and decided to join me on the ground.
"You owe me, babe"

"How about I redeem myself tonight in bed?" She whispered biting her lip

God she gives me more chills than the haunted house.

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