baby me

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you were in a car accident a few weeks ago and ariana is still treating you like a baby

"Ari, i'm ok. I don't need anymore blankets." I said as I was smothered in our fluffiest blankets

"Are you sure? How about some tea. I'll go make some." She said in a rush and was about to sprint to the living room but I stopped her

"No. Ariana I love you so much but I'm fine and my body is healing really fast actually. I just want you here with me." I said unraveling myself from the blankets and opened my arms so she'll come to me.

She bit her lip nervously but caved and gently got on our bed next to me.
She sat on her side which never happens because she'll always be on top of me on my side.

I knew she was too scared to hurt me so I moved closer to her and wrapped my arms around her waist.
"Y/n don't move so much you're-" i shushed her and closed my eyes as I squeezed her closer to me

"Stop worrying babe. I'm fine." I said calmy
"I know. I just love you so much. I thought I was going to loose you, y/n." She said with a slight sniffle.

"You're never gonna loose me. Ok? Never." I said reassuringly. She smiled, showing me her cute dimple and kissed my lips.

I felt her body loosen and her heart beat slowing down as she finally let herself calm down.
I winced with a slight groan which made her body tense and bolt up again
"Oh my god. Oh my god, y/n I'm so sorry! Are you hurt? Where did yo-" i cut her off by laughing uncontrollably

"Y-your face! Ha it was priceless! I'm fine I was just messing with you" i said with my hand on my chest as I was still laughing

Ariana, however, was not amused.
She threw a pillow at me with a pout.
"That wasn't funny, y/n. That gave me a heart attack." She said with her arms crossed

"I'm sorry but I couldn't help it" i said wiping a laughing tear

"You know what. Make yourself your own damn tea." She said walking out of the room

"Wait! Baby! I'm sorry!" I called out but she was already gone.

Aw shit.

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