puppy fever

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ariana begs for another dog after already having so many. you refuse but she has other ways of convincing you ;) ;) ;)

"But y/nnn look at this corgi! It's so cute you'd want 10 of them!" I gushed over the photo of the baby corgi

"Ariana we have 9 dogs already, we're not gonna get another." Y/n said pushing my phone out of her face.

I slouched back to my side and pouted. Then, I suddenly had a foolproof idea. I lightly smirked to myself as I layed my hand on y/n's thigh, making her tense up a bit but played it cool.

I went on my phone but still hand my hand on her thigh. Then, i slowly moved up towards her crotch but stopped before I could touch the center.

Her face stayed the same but her breathing became heavier and heavier. I could feel her stare at me but I acted completely dumbfounded as I was still on my phone.

I drew circles around her area which made her lightly whimper and get goosebumps. I smirked and thanked my past self for making her wear baggy shorts this morning.

"B-baby.." y/n managed to breathe out. I hummed while still casually scrolled through my instagram feed.
"please just- OH FUCKK" i pressed 2 fingers hard against her folds. Her head flew back and her mouth stayed open. I jumped onto her lap and slowly took off my top and bra. Y/n immediately darted her mouth to my left boob and massaged the other one with her hand.

I didnt hold back my moans and I felt myself getting wetter and wetter with every flick of her magical tongue.

Y/n kissed up to my chest, then my shoulder, then my jaw, then my cheek, and then that little tease skipped my lips and pecked my nose.

"Hey!" She giggled but i cupped her face and kissed her with so much passion. I felt her hand travel down to my hips and then to my ass and squeezed them. I gasped as I'm now completely drenched.

"Baby.. i need you" i said with heavy breaths

In a swift movement she lifted me to take off all her clothes.
"Mmmm baby this is my favorite outfit of yours" i bite my lip as i trace my fingers on her bare chest.

She dominated over me and ghosted her lips centimeters away from my heat. Her warm breathe already sent me waves of pleasure. How the hell does she have this affect on me?

She went up to my ear making me groan since she's now so far from where I really need her.
"I'm about to make you cum so fucking hard" then she suddenly plunges not 2 but 3 fingers in me.

I let out the loudest moan but I didn't care. Y/n started off slow but then fastened the pace up and curled her fingers, knowing that'll make me crazy.

I grabbed her hair, then the sheets as I moaned like crazy.
I was so close until Y/n suddenly pulled out making me the most sexually frustrated I've ever been.
"Y/n! What the hell!?" She put a finger on my lips to shush me and then sat on top of me. Her center was right on top of mine and it was already making me want to cum.

she started to grind against my crotch making sloppily noises and making us moan like crazy.
"B-babe i'm about to-"
"Yeah me too"

She massaged both of our clits with 2 fingers making me cum and squirt all over her. She came seconds after me and her eyes rolled back as the pleasure was too intense.

We both were breathing heavily as she plopped right next to me. I cuddled up against my girlfriend's chest as she wrapped her arms around me.

"So about those that corgi.."

"baby, we'll get 100."

I smirked as I silently celebrated in my head.

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