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ooh someone's a bit jellyyy ;P
ariana gets jealous when you get hit on during her performance and you tease her about it.

I stood at my usual spot in the front row, cheering on my girlfriend while she sang. She kneeled down towards me to grab my hand and sang 2 lines to me before leaving with a wink.

"Hey cutie. Whatchu doing dancing alone over here?" A tall, brunette guy said in front of me, blocking my view of my girlfriend.
"I'm actually here to watch my girlfriend perform." I said uncomfortably, turning my view back to ariana.

"Well you're very beautiful you know. Your girlfriend is damn lucky." He said leaning back on the stage. I blushed and thanked him.
"I'm Shawn by the way."
When I looked back up, ariana wasn't at my side of the stage anymore.

For the rest of the concert, Shawn was non stop flirting with me. It was harmless flirting though- just a few compliments and it's not like I flirted back. I have a girlfriend that's rocking that stage.

But for the whole concert, she never made eye contact with me which was strange.

After the concert, I met with ariana backstage and saw she was taking off her headset.
"Baby you were so good!" I said with opens arms to hug her, but she faced her body away from me.

"What's wrong, babe?" I asked dropping my arms
"Nothing." She said plainly and walked past me to her dressing room.

I stood there very confused but then followed her.
"Well I loved the new dance routine. You were very sexy might I add." I smirked, wrapping my arms around her.

But she pulled them away and sat down.
"Oh you saw that? I just thought you were too busy with that guy to notice it." She said, crossing her arms.

I raised my eyebrows, realizing what she was talking about.
"Ohh you're talking about Shawn?"
"Great he gave you his name? What else? Did he give you his number too then?" She angrily asked.

I chuckled as angry ariana was actually more adorable than angry.

"Aww is somebody jealous?" I teased with a baby voice.
"What? No. I'm totally fine with you talking to other handsome and attractive people." She said grabbing a magazine off the table which was actually upside down.

"Oh so you wouldn't mind if I go to him right now? He's actually waiting for me outside." I lied, trying to make her crack.
She tensed up for a second but then put on a fake smile. "Of course not. Have fun." She said with no enthusiasm.

I slowly walked towards the door.
"I'm leaving now." I took another step away
"I'm going out this door." I held the doorknob in my hand
"Don't wanna keep him waiting" I twisted the doorknob but before I could open it, a little body jumped on mine.

"No don't leave me! I was jealous, ok? It's hard dating someone so attractive because everyone wants you." She finally cracked and koala hugged me on the ground

"Awe babe I was just lying. I would never go out with a guy like him when I already have you. And what do you mean by me being the attractive one? You have a 10 year long waiting list of people who wanna kiss you." I said lifting her chin up at me

She laughed "but the only lips I want on mine is the one right in front of me" she leaned in and gave me a sweet but passionate kiss.

I smiled at her when we let go. "I love you, my little jealous baby." I teased and she stuck her tongue out at me
"Love you too, my little nightlight."

"Hey I need one, ok? You know I hate the dark." i pouted which made her laugh.

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