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you hear rumors about ariana dating pete while she's on tour. (Oh shit *sips tea*-a/n)

"Rumors and photos has been spread that singer, Ariana Grande, has been secretly dating comedic star, Pete Davidson."

"Wait Chelsea, isn't she currently dating that girl, y/n y/l/n?"

"Sources say that the two broke up and Ariana has moved o-"

I turned off the news. Oh come on. Sources my ass.
I scoffed as I set my cup of tea down and went on my phone.

I tried calling ariana for the fifth time today. She hasn't picked up any of my calls or answered my texts for weeks.

Maybe she really is cheating on me?

No she would never hurt me like that.

I sighed as the call went to voicemail. I laughed as I was in her voicemail, interupting by complaining that I was hungry.

She's busy. As the girlfriend of a popstar I have to understand that.

That's what I've been saying for months now to make sure I don't think of the worst case scenarios.

I went on twitter which was probably a bad idea but whatever. I saw a lot of people tagged me in I'm sorry tweets because of ariana's and I's "break up".

Surprisingly many of her fans hate her and pete together. As i looked at the photos of them together, i can see why people think they're together.

I started to feel a bit jealous and worried.

No y/n. I trust her.

Ugh but she looks at him like she looked at me when we first fell for each other.

A doorbell interrupted my thoughts so I got up and answered it.
There she was. The gorgeous face I've missed for months.
I gasped and hugged her for dead life. "Baby! Oh my god I missed you!"

"I missed you too, y/n!" Ariana giggled

"What are you doing here? I thought you had shows?" I questioned while taking in her bags for her
"I know but I've missed you too much. Scooter takes away my phone to get me to focus so I haven't gotten to hear your voice that I've been craving for months" she pouted

"Well your here now so it makes up for it" i smiled as I kissed the lips that I've missed. It was the same sweet kiss that still gave me the same feeling as our first kiss.

"You haven't watched the news have you?" Ariana asked biting her lip
"I have. I didn't believe it at first but I'm not gonna lie, I got kinda worried"

"And you shouldn't be because nothing happened between us. He was just telling me where to go in that photo because I was lost. I would never jeopardize our relationship like that." She said into my eyes. I knew she was telling the truth.

"I know. They're just silly rumors." I said brushing it off which made her smile.

"Come on! Let's watch movies and cuddle!" She said happily grabbing my hand to the couch

Still the same ari.

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