set up

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you and ariana don't know each other, but your kids are best friends. Your kids make a plan to set up their single moms together. Inspo from "Set It Up", the netflix movie;)

August (5 yrs old)- your kid
Jaxon (6 yrs old)- ariana's kid

August (5 yrs old)- your kidJaxon (6 yrs old)- ariana's kid

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"Have fun at school, Auggie! Love you kiddo" mommy ruffled up my hair which I was upset about, but then kissed me on my cheek and made me smile.

"See you in a few hours" mommy said, getting in the car.
I waved vigorously and jumped up and down "bye mommy! You promised me ice cream after school, don't forget!"

"I won't, Auggie!" and with that she blew me a kiss and drove off.

Now off to find my best friend, Jaxon!


"Mommy I'm gonna be late!" I giggled as my mommy kissed me everywhere on my face

"Ok ok, I'll let you go. Have fun, J." She did one last long kissed on my forehead and I gave her one on the cheek

We both screamed love you as she drove off

"Jaxon! Come on we're gonna be late!" My bestfriend, August, yelled to me.

We ran as fast as we could even though our backpacks were falling off.

"Phew I'm tired." I said out of breathe

"Yea me too. My mommy takes a long time saying bye bye to me. Ever since my daddy left us she has been giving me lots of love but also getting me late." August throws his backpack in his cubbie

"Me too! My mommy always wants to hug and kiss me ever since my daddy left!" I said, neatly putting in my backpack in my cubbie.

August reached his whole arm in his backpack. He's a pretty messy guy, but I help him clean out his things once he looses something.

He pulled out a slightly crumpled up photo. "That's my mommy. She's really funny and pretty. When my daddy was still here, mommy would take me on adventures to the ice cream shop. I'm pretty sure she tried to avoid daddy, but i got a lot of ice cream anyways." He smiled looking at the photo of him and his mommy

I pulled out a photo of my mommy too. "my mommy is very nice. She always sings me to sleep and makes sure I'm happy. When my daddy left, my mommy started to sing a lot and go to her studio more. I got to sing with her and make songs!"

We put our photos together "they look really cute together!" August gushed looking at our moms together
I gasped "you thinking what I'm thinking, August??"

"Let's have a playdate to get ice cream!!" August said excitedly
"No- well yes, but maybe my mommy can date your mommy and then we'll be brothers and eat all the ice cream we want!!" I told him my plan and we both screamed and jumped causing the teacher to shush us.


"Does your mommy have tattoos? My mommy likes people with tattoos because daddy had a lot." I asked while on the swing

August was making a woodchip castle on the floor. "Yeah she has my name on her arm, roses on her leg, and a lot more." He answered, gathering more woodchips

"And my mommy loves ice cream and going out too, so they're perfect for each other!" I said hopping off the swing

"So what's the plan?" August asked joing me on the bench
We both took a moment to think
"Oh! How about we go on a playdate to get ice cream like you said and when they pick us up, they'll meet each other!" I sugguested

We both looked at each other and smirked, putting a thumbs up.

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