jelly (reverse)

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ooh someone's a bit jellyyy and this time it's you ;P A waiter flirts with your girlfriend and you get pissed.
(ooh drama *sips tea*-a/n)

"Hmmm but the avocado quinoa looks good too.." ariana said, having a hard time picking what she wanted to eat.

I took ariana to her favorite vegan restaurant, Kaled-It (not a real place I just made it up. but like the pun? ;P) but she always just wanted to order everything. Trust me, if I could afford it than I would get her the whole resturant if I could.

"Babe, come on. You've been thinking for like 20 minutes." I laughed resting my chin on my fist.

"Ok ok, I'm ready." She said closing her menu which I also mimicked.
The waitress comes a minute later and, might I add, never looked at me once.

"Hi my name is Camila, what can I get for you, gorgeous" she bit her lip while leaning towards ariana. (no hate. i love camila<3 -a/n)
I crossed my arms as I was debating whether or not I should cuss this bitch out for flirting with my girl.

Ariana shifted on her seat uncomfortably. "Um I'll have the avocado quinoa with roasted tofu and an iced tea, please" ariana said blandly but politely so Camila knows she's not interested.

"Beautiful AND great taste?" Camila flirted AGAIN.
I've had enough with this bullshit. I cleared my throat and her eyes darted to me with an annoyed face

"Oh yea, and for you?" she faked smiled while tried my best to resist flipping her off
"I'll have the veggie burger with zucchi fries and a diet coke, sir."

"It's m'am, bitch." She corrected with a hand on her hip

"Well you look like a fucking sir, sir." I tossed my menu on her tray as she gasped and stomped away while ariana was holding back a laugh.

"What?" I asked ariana as she burst out laughing after camila left
"You- you were so jealous!" She said while laughing

"What?! No I was not!" I defended
"Yes you were!"
"No I wasn't!" She gave me a look saying 'whatever you say'

The food came shortly after with a different waitress THANK GOD  and it was really good as always, but I lowkey was scared if Camila spit in my food or something.

The check came and after our usual "i'll get it, no i'll get it" argument, I was able to pay for lunch. I saw at the bottom of the check was a number and a note next to it saying 'when your ready for a better girl, cutie;) -Camila'
I slammed my hands on the table, startling ariana.

I stomped my way in the back of the restaurant, angrily and yelled to camila "IT'S YOU'RE WITH AN RE, BITCH."

haha I was about to make a whole fight scene and have a sappy ending but a bitch is lazy today, sorry. - a/n

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