set up pt.2

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I sang along to the radio while I drove to school to pick up Jaxon.
"You got me boo'd up, boo'd up" i harmonized

Once I arrived at our usual pick up corner, Jaxon wasn't there. He's normally there waiting for me by a rock.

I got out of the car to look around. He was nowhere. The whole sidewalk was empty. I immediately went into panic mode and thought of the worst case scenarios.

Oh my god he could've gotten kidnapped or killed!

"Auggie! August!" A girl called out, I'm guessing looking for her child too

I recognized the name August. Jaxon talks about him a lot when I'm making breakfast.
I went over to the girl and might I say she looked even better up close.

"Hi sorry to interrupt but my kid, Jaxon, told me about August before. I think they're friends and my kid is missing too." I explained. She thought for a second and then her eyes widen

"Jaxon! Oh yeah August talks about him too! He's really mischievous so this isn't the first time he ventured around." She nervously giggled but I could tell she was worried sick about him.

"I'm y/n by the way." She held out her hand
"Ariana. Nice to meet you." I took her very soft hands in mine

"Did you walk here? I could give you a ride and we can both look for them together." I offered to the

She smiled showing her cute dimples "yeah sure"
She got in the passenger seat which was blocked by a mountain of papers.
"I'm so sorry. These divorce papers has gotten me very messy." I quickly tossed them on the back seat

"Oh tell me about it. My house is filled with them." She huffed, putting on her seatbelt.
"Your divorced too?" I asked
"Yeah. And might I say finally!" We both laughed

The laughter died down and we were both looking into each other's eyes.
"You very beautiful, you know that?" She complimented me.
I blushed brightly and clear my throat
"U-um maybe we should start looking for the kids now." I stuttered


I smirked, knowing that I can get her nervous. She was beyond beautiful, I was actually surprised to see her divorce papers.
Like who's crazy enough to let her go?

"Knowing my Auggie, his favorite place in the whole world is the ice cream shop." I said already knowing I'm right about their location

"Ok let's check there." She turned right and headed towards the ice cream shop

There was a moment of silence until she spoke " I like your tattoo." She looked at my arm of August's name

"Thanks. This kid drives me insane but I can't live without him." I smiled, missing his little laugh
I felt her stare at me with a smile

Once we arrived we both had a sigh of relief. There they were by the window. August had his favorite cookies n creme icecream all over his face, while Jaxon had chocolate ice cream, eating neatly with a spoon.

"August Ocean Y/l/n!"
"Jaxon Charles Grande!"
We both yelled at the same time. They whipped their heads at us with nervous faces.

"You guys got us worried sick! What were you thinking running off to get ice cream by yourselves?" Ariana scolded
They both said I'm sorry with puppy dog eyes.
Ariana and I shared a look and then we both nodded.

"You're forgiven. But as punishment for running away, no ice cream for a month." I said with my arms crossed.
August's eyes widen "what?!"

"And Jaxon, I forgive you too, but no tv for a month." Ariana said mimicking my actions
"But tom and jerry!" Jaxon exclaimed with his adorable voice
"Should've thought of that before leaving without telling me."
The kids both huffed and slumped on their chairs.
"Butttt your punishments can start tomorrow. Since we're all here why not enjoy some ice cream together?" I said smiling at their excited reactions.

Ariana and I went inside to get some ice cream.
"Can I have 2 scoops of chocolate cip cookie dough, please?" I ordered
"And for your wife?" The worker asked
We both looked at each other with wide eyes
"Oh no no we're not together." She nervously laughed
"Oh I'm sorry you guys just look great together" the worker apologized. We avoided each others eyes as we blushed.

After getting situated with our kids and ice cream, i leaned towards ariana "We do look hella cute together." I whispered to her so the kids won't hear

She blushed brightly again. "Yea you know, that lady wasn't wrong" she smirked at me. Then I felt a piece of paper in my hand and see that she wrote her number with a winky face on it.

August and Jaxon shared looks "we're totally gonna be brothers soon."

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