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ha bet you thought it was gonna be about the douchey kind of cheating! nah, maybe next time though.

you and ariana were playing cards and you noticed that she was cheating. you decide to punish her for her actions ;) ;) (inspo from ariana's "into you" music video)

"Ha! I win again!" Ariana cheered and threw all the cards up in the air
"What?! How?! That's impossible!" I exclaimed

"Awe baby it's okay. Next time you'll win..maybe" she kissed my pout

"Nuh uh. There isn't a next time. I'm done with this game." I said tossing my cards on the floor.
Ariana just giggled at me.

We played 11 rounds and I haven't won once. Pretty suspicious if you ask me. I decided to test it.
"Hey baby, can you get me a diet coke, please?"

"Uhm no, I can't." I raised my eyebrows at her.

"And why not?"

"Becauseee my foot fell asleep." She answered not so confidently. I gave her a look saying I knew she was lying.
I got up and walked over to her.
"No! Stop!" She swatted my hands away, but I managed to lift her body off the floor and when I do, cards started to fall everywhere from her clothes.

"I knew it! You cheated!" I said pointing at her
"Damn that's a lot of cards. I don't even know how I didn't notice the card stack being so little." I said looking at the card covered floor.

"Welp! Good game let's call it a tie!" She clasped her hands together and quickly turned away
"Nuh uh not so fast, cheater! I think you deserve a punishment." I said seductively as I walked over to her.
She looked up at me sith those not so innocent eyes.
"Oh yeah? For what?" She asked acting dumb

"For being a bad girl" i smirked, surprising her by scooping her up in my arms. She squealed as I ran upstair to our bedroom.

I layed her down gently and took off my shirt and jeans before stripping her down too.

"Now I don't want to here a peep from you or I'll stop" i said before attacking her neck and collarbone.

She let out a light moan.
"What's that?" I asked stopping my actions
"Nothing! It was nothing, daddy." She said innocently

I then took it painfully slow, taking my time kissing down her body. I could tell she was getting impatient as her breathing fasten and she was pulling my hair.

"Please!" She begged, holding in a moan
"Please what?" I asked, pressing my hand on her womanhood
"PLEASE FUCK ME" she yelled in desperation

Without warning I pushed 2 fingers in and went at the fastest pace.
She gasped, grabbing the sheets with her fist and biting her lip to hold back her moans.
I added another finger and massaged her left breast which made her let out all of her moans

"Fuckk y/n!"

"Nuh uh, i said no sounds!" I slowed down but went deeper, making her hips jerk.
I looked at my beautiful girlfriend and saw her sweating and eyes full of lust.

I fasten my pace again and did circular motions "fuck baby I'm gonna cum!"

"Cum for me, babygirl" i whispered and with that her body shook as I rode down her high. I licked my fingers and lightly moaned at my girlfriend's taste.

Ariana's body went limp as she was still breathing heavily. I joined, laying next to her.

"You know, I think I'm gonna cheat more often." We both laughed as she cuddled into me and we both fell asleep.

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