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Y'all play truth or dare;)
(also thanks for your suggestions for my next book! I'm starting two books at the same time so lets see how that goes..)

Our laughter died down after y/n was telling a funny story of her eating a whole lemon in truth or dare (a/n-My friend made me do it once and it was horrid). I softly giggled and rubbed my cheeks as they hurt from smiling so much.

"you're such a pussy, babe. that's nothing." I shrugged at her. I looked her offended face and laughed even more. "okay fine. you think I'm too pussy for that? then let's play truth or dare right here, right now." she challenged with a smirk.

I smirked back and shook her hand. "fine. be prepared to loose then." she scoffed at me and rolled her eyes.

"truth or dare, babe?" she asked me with her arms crossed.
"dare." I said with confidence. She put her chin on her fist and started thinking.

"I dare you to eat the sand." she said with an evil smirk. I gasped disgustedly.
"babe no! you know how many germs, bugs, and feet have touched this sand?!" I said with disgust.

"well you can always back down and except that your a pussy." she shrugged with amusement in her eyes. I huffed and looked at the soft, beige sand underneath our blanket. I didn't want to do it, but I didn't want to back down on the first dare.

I slowly picked up a pinch of sand. "nope. you're going to have to eat more than that." I gave her a death glare which made her laugh, but I picked up a good amount to satisfy her but still be enough for me to swallow without a problem.

I looked at it and then back at y/n. "I hate you." I said with a pout. "I love you too, babygirl" she laughed, enjoying this way too much.

I closed my eyes and quickly swallowed the sand, not giving myself the chance to taste anything. My body cringed while y/n gasped. "wow. I didn't think you'd actually do it." she said impressed.

"ugh. That's nasty." I said, feeling small bits still latching onto my throat. y/n kissed my cheek as a good job to make me feel better, which always does.

"ok that's it, truth or dare" I asked her
"dare, of course." y/n smiled

I looked around to see what I can make her do to get her back. Then, I saw the ocean and smirked.

"I dare you to walk around in the water with your socks on" I said with my arms crossed.
She gasped "Hey your using my pet peeves against me!" she pouted

I laughed at her cuteness "you made me eat sand. this is way better than that."

She looked at the ocean "easy for you to say" she mumbled and started to cringe thinking about the feeling of wet socks. "just do it! or be a pussy because that's fine too'' I shrugged

It was time for her to give me a death glare and then grumpily put on her socks and stomped towards the ocean like a child. "you got this, babe!" I shouted to her which was replied with her middle finger. I giggled and rolled my eyes at her immaturity.

She hesitantly inched closer to the water. "ARI I CANT DO THIS!" She screamed. "YES YOU CAN!" I screamed back
She shook her head and started to walk back but a big wave fastly hit y/n and was up to her ankles.
She gasped loudly and squealed at the cold water. I was already rolling on the blanket with laughter.

"ARIANA STOP LAUGHING AND COME HERE!" She said holding up her drenched socks in disgust. I ran over to her with my hand over my mouth, holding back a laughing fit.
She pouted at me "it's not funny."
"Your right. It's hilarious!" I laughed while clenching onto my stomach.

"Well I still have one last dare for you, and trust me, it's a doozy." She smirked
"Try me. I can handle it" I said wiping my tears of laughter. All the sudden I open my eyes to a sight that made the tears come straight back.

My hand covered my mouth in shock as I was staring at the love of my life on her knee with a small velvet box that held onto the most gorgeous ring.

"I didn't think I'd say it this way, but my socks are wet, I'm starting to smell like the ocean, and my feet are now pruny, but I know damn well that I'd go through all of this bullshit a thousand times if it meant spending it with you. There's never a dull moment with you and every second I'm with you I fall even more in love with you. If I'm a pussy, then fine. But I'm your pussy. Ariana Butera Grande, I dare you to marry me."
At this point I couldn't stop the tears from falling down. I was speechless and in awe of this feeling of pure love for this girl.

I couldn't even say the words but I vigorously nodded my head and jumped into her arms.
"I'm guessing that's a yes?" She laughed
"Yes! Yes, a million times yes!" I said happily

She spun me around excitedly and then set me down to put the ring on me. I gushed at her focusing on slipping it on with ease.
She sighed in relief. "It fits!" She cheered to herself which made me giggle.

I pulled her into a loving kiss which she quickly reciprocated and wrapped her arms around my waist. Our foreheads touched when we pulled apart.

"You know what?" I asked her while we dreamily stared into each others eyes

"What, Mrs. Y/l/n?" She said which caused butterflies in my stomach

"I dare you to wear a dress in our wed-"


Hope y'all enjoyed:) Sorry I haven't been updating much, but I'm working on my next Ariana Grande book right now so there's gonna be a lot of slow updates:(

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2019 ⏰

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