Chapter One

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 I sit in front of my laptop, debating if I should go through with it or not.

“Just do it, Lauren. It’ll be fine. Fun even!” 

My friends words echo in my head as I sign up for How can this be any fun? It’s basically pimping yourself out. I stare down at the screen as I think of a name for this site. Nothing comes to mind. Just then the song I have playing through my speakers switches. It’s catchy and I like it. ssweet-dispositionn. That looks good. Well good enough.

Here’s the situation. Zayn, my friend from work, kind of pressured me into making this thing in order to meet girls. He guarantees it works. He says it’s where he’s met a couple girlfriends. I’m not the type to meet anyone online. I’ve seen dateline. There’s creeps out there. But I guess I’m a little curious myself. That and the fact that I have nothing to lose anyway. 

I finish the whole process of signing up then go to the blogs he recommended. Miami Singles, Looking For Love in the 305, Orange Juice, Beaches and Love. I laugh at the last one. I can go for all three. He just said to be sure to add a lesbian tag. And to follow him. Of course. I add a picture of myself, nothing risky, to the submit page along with a brief bio…

Lauren Jauregui

19 female

College student/Mechanic

car enthusiast, music is nice, black and white films are rad, one dog, single

That should reel in the ladies right? Guess we shall see. I hit all the check marks to agree to the terms, whatever they may be. I’m probably selling my soul on here. Then I hit submit. Here goes nothing.

The next day after school, before I head to work, I check tumblr for replies. There sits the number 27 above my inbox. I was expecting 1 response maybe 2 but not this many. I click it after admiring it for awhile. Turns out Zayn was wrong. The lesbian tag did nothing to stop males from replying. I scroll down and a bunch of responses are along the lines of…

Anonymous said: let me put it in nice and slow. watch you moan and curse for more.

batmansupermangang said: 18/m you’re sexy. wb

phonexready said: damn you are beautiful. I’m Carlos. What part of Miami?

dwn4utobdwn4me said: Let me take you for a ride in my car baby girl.

I scrunch up my nose at the msgs. Even the few female responses are over the top. When I get to work, I’m kicking Zayn's ass. I close my laptop then change into my work coveralls then throw my hair in a pony tail. My typical attire.

I arrive at the shop. A small building with 5 garages. Nothing fancy. Repairing cars is far from fancy. I get shit from customers for being the only female. But the guys stick up for me. We here at Geoff’s Garage are like a little family. I’ve known them all since I was little. Entering, I go straight to Zayn. It doesn’t take long to find him. He’s under a car he’s working on. His dirty boots stick out from under. 

I give them a kick. “Hey!” I shout. 

"What the hell?" he rolls out from under. "Oh it’s you."

"Yes me. A very unsatisfied customer."

"What are you talking about?" he looks confused then realization crosses his face. "Oh you went on tum—"

His damn phone rings. And God forbid he doesn’t stop what he’s doing at the exact moment to answer it. He always does this. Even in the middle of a conversation like now. It drives me crazy. I start to tap my foot. 

"Hello?" he says holding his phone with the tips of his fingers like it’s going to help not get grease all over it.

"Get off the phone, I was talking to you first!" I kick his boot again.

"Ow!" he grabs my arm with his free one to pull himself up off the floor. "I miss you too! When?"

I roll my eye’s and cross my arms. He looks at me then sticks his tongue out. “Go away!” he mutters, swatting an arm in my direction. I dodge it and he laughs. “Oh, nothing. It’s my friend, Lauren. She won’t leave me alone.” he says into the phone. I mock his words then walk off. He’s so self centered but he’s one of the only guys my age I get along with. He doesn’t want anything more out of this friendship and I like that.

After checking where and what car I’m working on I roll up my sleeves and begin. Fixing cars has always been what I wanted to do. I was lucky enough to learn the basics before my dad passed. He showed me everything from a young age. I caught on pretty quick and he declared me a natural. I wore that title with honor. I still do. We were always in the garage fixing this, tweaking that, it was the best years of my life. Then he got sick and his health quickly declined. I promised him I get my own shop one day. 

"Come with me this weekend?!" Zayn shouts from the other side of his car, the phone still glued to his ear. 

I peak over and he has a goofy grin. “Where?” I asked.

"A party. Famous people will be there." he adds a wink.

"No thanks." I shake my head. I’d rather cuddle my wiener dog and watch netflix than be in the same room as air headed celebrities.

"Fine. Stay searching for love online!"

I look around but the other guys aren’t paying attention. I flip him off then duck my head back under the hood. He shouldn’t of shouted my business out like that. That asshole. Add that to his list of stuff I need to have a stern talk about.

A whole two weeks go by and I completely forgot about my tumblr. With work and homework I barely get to sit. Today however I actually have some down time because class was canceled due to the water pipes on campus busting. I have time to kill. I log on. 

There sits another pile of msgs. I should of had my picture and advertisement taken down. I make a mental note do exactly that as I mindlessly scroll though my inbox. Everyone is still being a complete pervert or just creepy. There’s actually a couple who seem sincere but I can’t see myself actually talking to them. Well maybe since they took the time to acknowledge me I can return the favor.

Anonymous said: Wow you look amazing and you like cars?! What? How? Why? Lol kidding but you seem cool :)

ssweet-dispositionn answered: Ah thanks! and why yes. I love cars!

waakeme-up said: Hey you’re absolutely gorgeous! What’s cookin good lookin?!

waakeme-up said: That was super cheesy. I’m sorry.

ssweet-dispositionn answered: According to your pic, you’re also very gorgeous! You’re not cheesy at all! I’m flattered actually :)

I reply to both. Why not right?

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