All For A Wish

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Toshinori Yagi walked into the police station the next day in his real form. The Noumu hadn't hurt him that badly. But Tsukauchi still told him to check up with Recovery Girl just in case. Then after All Might was getting looked at he got another call from Tsukauchi to come to the station as soon as possible. So that was what he was doing. Fun.

He arrived at 10:12 in the morning. He could have slept in but he wanted to know what was so urgent that he had to come 'as soon as possible' he wasn't that busy but still felt like there was something that he should do. As soon as Toshinori came through the door he saw a disgruntled Tsukauchi walking towards him.

"It's good that you came, we have to speak about the Noumu"

The Noumu? Toshinori knew what it was. Some poor soul had been given quirks that made it powerful but dumb. A horrible process really. Tsukauchi must have identified who the person was.

"Tsukauchi, why didn't you just tell me what ever you have to tell me on the phone?"

Toshinori was genuinely curious, Tsukauchi wasn't the type of person to ask for unnecessary visits. Toshinori wanted to know what was going on. Tsukauchi answered him

"He wanted to speak with you"

Well that was strange, the monster had seemed to be able to speak when it was threatening one of his students. Toshinori wondered why Bakugou had reacted so strongly when he punched the Noumu into the stratosphere.

"Why would you do what a monster told you to?"

Tsukauchi somehow looked even more disgruntled then before.

"You'll find out when you talk to him. Speaking of which, he is in that room. I'll be watching from the one way mirror"

Tsukauchi walked Toshinori at a door way and left him. Rude. Toshinori knew that this wasn't normally how Tsukauchi acted. He shouldered aside his uneasy thoughts and opened up the door. He was not prepared.

The Noumu was free other than quirk suppressing hand cuffs on his wrists. But the worst thing was that it was sitting on a chair made of cement, there was nothing stopping it from attacking Toshinori.

"Hello, All Might"

The voice sounded familiar, and like it had been hardly used. There was no evil sort of tone in it as well. It seemed, sincere.

"How did you know who I was?!"

Toshinori was panicking. If the League Of Villains knew what his true form was then that could lead to all sorts of chaos!

"You told me who you were"

The Noumu must have been bluffing, Toshinori never told anyone about his true identity, was it some sort of quirk?

"I never tell anyone what I look like, you must have used a quirk!"

The Noumu just stared at him. Toshinori wondered what it was think, you couldn't read any expression on the blank gaze of a monster.

"You told me before I had any quirk, do you remember that day? It mustn't have been important for you"

Toshinori realised where he had heard the voice before, and how different the current holder of it looked. Toshinori then took an involuntary step back

"Izuku Midoriya?!"

The Noumu didn't blink, Toshinori didn't think it was capable of doing so anyway.

"You told me I could become a police officer, I still ended up in the department"

Toshinori felt tears begin to prickle in his eyes.

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