Feeling Like The World Revolves Around You

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It had been ten months since Izuku Midoriya had gone, Katsuki Bakugou partially blamed himself for when his 'friend' disappeared. He had been interviewed by the police two days after Inko Midoriya, Izuku's mother, had found no trace of the plain looking boy. They were only searching for the body, because nobody believed that Izuku would just run away, it seemed there must have been another factor in his life that took him from the world. But police kept up the search for a killer, because nobody would expect optimistic Deku to kill himself.

Something hit Katsuki in the head, he was riding a bus going on a field trip to some rescue operations facility. He was siting next to his, friend? Eijirou Kirishima. A nice guy who used the word 'manly' way to often. Katsuki had been quieter since Izuku went missing. Katsuki thought this might be one of the first times that he had real friends, other then Izuku. Izuku, the one person who actually liked him before his personality went down a toilet. Izuku had been the only person at school or anywhere else who really was his friend for something other then his quirk.

The bus stoped. A crumpled up paper fell from Kasuki's shoulder, that must have been what hit him

"Hey Bakugou, you seem more distracted then usual, what are ya thinking about?"

The one who had spoken was sitting behind him, his name was Hanta Sero. One of his other friends. Tenya Iida who was just another kid in his class said something and they all stood up, Katsuki really was distracted.

"I'm fine, just, thinking"

That was all Katsuki said, he talked less now, and thought before saying anything to make sure that nobody will take offence to it. A far cry from how he used to be.

The class walked into large domed building, it looked a bit like that theme park Izuku had once wanted to go to. A kid in his class said the name, so that was what it was called, Universal Studio's Japan. He told Izuku that it would be a dumb place to go to. What was wrong with him? He was spending more time thinking about the dumb but determined nerd. The nerd that he hated, and nerd that he wished was back.

Katsuki had been daydreaming, he was so far gone in his world of pain that he didn't notice anything was wrong until he heard his teacher say fateful words.

"Stay back! Those are villains!"

The class rioted and people started screaming, the villains were never meant to come! They should never come!

Some person in a suit surrounded by a purple mist somehow got behind them, 'he must have a teleportation quirk' Katsuki thought dully, he was too panicked for any other coherent thought!

Suddenly the mist from the guy behind them spread under them and engulfed them whole. Katsuki came out in a building filled with fire, Kirishima was there as well. Kirishima said something that Katsuki couldn't make out.

"What was that?!"

He yelled, the flames that crackled around them were surprisingly loud. Kirishima yelled back at him

"I said are you okay!"

Katsuki blinked

"I'm fine!"

They looked around a the blackened building they were standing in, then something someone ran towards Kirishima and jumped at him, Katsuki didn't even need to think for a second and let of an explosion by his friends face, knowing that with his friend's quirk of hardening he would be alright. Villains circled around them, they were coming from a hallway that nether of them had noticed in their quick portal warp. The villains seemed only to be minor criminals, so they were fairly easy to beat, Katsuki gestured to Kirishima to follow him, and they set of at a sprint through the hall.

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