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"C'mon baby, it's time to wake up." I whisper to my 1 and a half year old son who's sleeping peacefully in his bed.

"No mama I don't wanna get up." He croaks while grabbing his teddy bear and covering his face with it.

"Baby please mama can't be late for work again." I reply while moving the stuffed animal away from his face and out of his reach, this is the third time this week he has refused to get out of bed causing me to be late.

"Will Chris be there today?" He asks with a hint hope in his voice.

Ever since last year when Chris joined the cast Calum has been obsessed with him and is always wanting to spend time with Chris, I guess Chris is the closest thing he has had to a father. Chris was there for me from the day we met, unlike a certain someone.

"I think so baby, but if you want to know for sure you have to get ready." I reply hoping that by mentioning Chris he will want to get ready for the day.
After 30 minuets of trying to get Cal out of the house and into the car we finally made it to set and today I was only 10 minuets late. I had to practically run to hair and make up so that I wouldn't hold up any morning scenes that needed to be filmed today. I spent about 2 hours filming until I finally had a break so I decided to go back to my trailer to see how Cal and Chyler were doing, when I got there the trailer was empty with nothing but a note that read:

"Hey Mel,
Taking Cal out for lunch because scenes are running behind, see you soon.
Chris :)"

I couldn't help but smile at how much Chris cares about Cal. I stand staring at the note with a dopey grin on my face but my thoughts were interpreted by a knock at the door, I walk over and open the door to see Chyler standing there with the biggest grin on her face.

"Omg what is that smile? Also why does Chris have Cal?" I jokingly accuse trying to sound mad, particularly with the last part.

"What smile.." she giggled "and yeah he came by earlier to ask if he could watch him so I said sure" she continued.

"Okay that's cool but seriously Chy, why are you smiling like that?"

"Well, this morning when you were filming, Chris came by and asked where you were and Cal told him that you were filming and Chris got this look of disappointment on his face." She squeals with excitement.

"Okay, so..?" I question.

"Sooo this means he totally likes you!!" She yells.

"What no way, he was probably just wondering where I was to ask me something, noting special." I say stubbornly not wanting to believe what she was telling me.

I've had a slight crush on Chris since our first kiss as Kara and Mon-El and over the past year I have gotten to know him, he is so sweet and caring. Chyler has obviously picked up on my little crush and has taken it upon herself to find out if he likes me back and so far all of her 'evidence' points to yes. Which I still find difficult to believe but Chyler keeps insisting that it's true.

After 10 minuets of sitting in my trailer laughing and taking about random stuff we hear a knock at the door. "It's Unlocked!" I yell from the couch, not wanting to get up. "Mama!" Cal yells as he lets go of Chris' hand and runs towards me, engulfing me in a hug. "Hey Mel, hey Chyler" Chris smiles while he closes the door behind him and making his way over to the empty chair across from us.

"Oh shit, I have to go I have a scene in a few minutes, cya guys later." Chyler says while almost running to the door.

"That was weird" Chris sighed

"It was indeed" I laugh.

"So how was your lunch?" I ask Cal who is sitting on the floor playing with his superhero toys.

"Oh my goodness it was amazing! We got pizza and pasta and Chris took me to the ice cream place and it was so so fun!" He yells with the biggest smile I have ever seen, his blue eyes radiating happiness.

"Bud, remember the ice cream was our little secret" Chris whispers to Cal, but just loud enough for me to hear.

"Oh yeah, no mama we didn't have ice cream because that didn't happen like Chris said." He states while putting his hands firmly on his hips like Superman.

{Sorry about the time jumps, it's just that I had no idea how to write it so I just skipped a couple years. Hope you enjoy, I apologise this story is a bit over the place.}


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