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A few hours later..
"Okay baby, time for bed." I say as I walk over to the couch and pick Cal up from Chris' arms.

"No I wanna stay with Chris longer!" He cries

"Baby, you can spend time with Chris when we are done on set tomorrow." I reply

"Yay!" He shouts

"But right now is bed time, okay?" I say to Cal, making him pout.

"I'm not sleepy" he yawns

"How about tonight Chris can lay with you until you fall sleep?" I say turning to Chris and looking at him with desperation.

"Yeah bud, mama will get you ready and I'll come in and lay with you tonight, okay?" Chris smiles.

"Yes!" Cal laughs softly.

"Okay, now that that's settled.. it's time to get you ready for bed, mister." I laugh as I kiss his cheek, making him laugh.
"I'll be right back, okay? I just have to get Chris." I say to Cal as I tuck him into his bed.

"No, stay" He says with tears filling his eyes.

"Okay, how about I stand right there," I say pointing to the doorway, "and I will call out is name, that way you can still see me?"


"Okay." I stand up and make my way to the door, making sure not to go too far so I don't freak Cal out. "Chris! Come up here please!" I shout down the hallway, hoping he can hear me.

"Coming!" I hear him shout back followed by the sound of his footsteps running up the small staircase.

"He's all yours" I laugh as I follow him into Cal's room. "Mamas gonna go now, okay?" I say leaning over to kiss his small forehead. "I love you" I smile.

"I love you too mama" he giggles. "Can you stay?" He quickly adds as I turn around getting ready to leave.

"Oh baby, we agreed that Chris would lay with you and I would go to bed." I reply, trying not to sound annoyed.

"Sorry." He whispers as he begins to cry. It breaks my heart to see my baby like that.

"Well I could" I start but Chris cuts me off before I get the chance to finish my sentence.

"Mama needs her sleep so how about this, bud, mama goes to bed and if you can fall sleep within the next... hour we can go get her and she can lay with you." Chris says.

'Thank you' I mouth.

"Okay.." Cal replies slowly.

"Goodnight," I whisper softly as I turn on his nightlight and turn the main light off.

"G'night mama," Cal yawns.
Around an hour and a half later..
"Hey, Mel?" Chris calls out from the doorway.

"Huh? What's wrong?" I say starting to sit up.

"Cal can't get to sleep," He says walking over to my side of the bed.

"Where is he?"

"He is right here but no matter what he just can't get to sleep, I've tired everything, Mel.. I'm sorry."

"No, don't apologise, you know Cal this was probably going to happen," I laugh slightly.

"Mama," I hear Cal whisper from Chris' arms.

"You go get ready for bed" I say to Chris "Cal baby, come here." I say as I reach out my arms to pick Cal up and place him on the bed.

I roll over so I'm facing the middle and lay Cal down, tucking him in with the blanket. It's honestly kind of annoying to never have any alone time but I love him too much to just leave him alone when he clearly doesn't want to be.

"Okay, can you promise me that you are going to sleep now?" I yawn, barley being able to keep my eyes open.

"Promise." He smiles.

After a little bit Chris makes his way over to his side of the bed and gets in. As he is laying down facing Cal, I can see from the soft glow of the hallway light that he has a smile on his face, and what I believe to be a tear make its way down his cheek.

"I love you," I hear him whisper, "I love you both so much."


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