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Chris and I spend the next 20 minutes watching whatever was on the television.

"It's been 20 minutes, how are they not here yet!?" I say as I look down at my phone.

"Mel, theres such thing as traffic, give it at least another 5 minutes, okay?" Chris said pulling me closer into his embrace.

"I know it's just, I haven't seen Cal in days and I really miss him."

"I know, but you just have to wait and they will be here any-"

There was a knock at the door.

"Oh my gosh they're here!" I squeal as I get up and practically sprint to the front door.

"MAMAA!!!" Cal screams after I open the door, running to me and hugging me.

"Cal!!" I shout back, hugging him tighter.

"I miss you!" He giggles.

"I missed you too, baby."

"Uh hey Melissa," Blake said, startling everyone for a second.

"Oh hey, sorry, please come inside." I say, stepping aside to make space for them to walk inside.

"That uhh that won't be necessary."

"Why.. not?" I question.

"You're right about me, I can't do this, I can't be a father. He needs you. And Chris, not me. You can have him full time," he said, rather quickly.

"No. No no no no I'm not letting that happen."

"Why not? Isn't that what you want?"

"Cal baby, go inside with Chris, mama needs to talk to your father, okay?" I say turning around to face Cal.

"Okay mama, cwisss!!" Cal shouts as he runs down the hallway to the living room.

"Listen here, Yes, I want to spend all my time with my- with our son but I also want him to grow up with his father, you are not going to let him down again. You have changed, I can see it."

"But I can't have him for a week, I have no idea what I'm doing."

"And you think I have any clue what I'm doing?!" I half laugh. "Point is, parenting isn't perfect you're gonna make mistakes, you're gonna mess up. But the important thing is that you try, that your there for your kid. THATS what matters, so you are going to at least see Cal on weekends, or so help me god I'll.. I'll force you to because I will not have that miracle of a child grow up without his father," I say with tears threatening to pour down my face.

"Fine, okay I'll see him on weekends but he needs to stay with you during the week," he agrees.

"Good, good good now, would you like to come inside?"

"I think I'll pass, I can tell you want to get back to your family, I'll get out of your hair."

"Hey, you're part of that family too, ya'know. I know we have had our... issues.. but I mean, that was years ago." I smile slightly.

"Thank you, but maybe next time," he says with a nod then proceeds to walk away.

"Mama!!" Cal calls out from the living room.

"Coming, Cal!" I reply, closing the door and making my way down the hall.


『 Instagram: arrowversetrash
YouTube: TheBookieMonster 』


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