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"Is Chris here?" Cal asks for the thousandth time in the past 10 minuets.

"Soon baby, he just needs to get some clothes for tonight. he will be here shortly." I reply trying to convince him that it's okay. 

Not long after that conversation, the doorbell rang and Cal jumped off the couch, running to the door at full speed, which wasn't very fast.

"Mama open the door!!" He yells down the hall, I make my way to the door and open it.

"Hey Mel, Hey bud how you going?" He says while bending down to hug Calum.

"Hey come on in, excuse the mess, Cal was just playing with his toys." I say as I begin to place the mini plastic superheroes away in the toy box.

"Mama can Chris see my new room?" He asks already grabbing Chris' hand ready to pull him in the direction of his room.

"Sure baby, but don't make a mess." I reply but he is already out of earshot.

Calum is the cutest little boy I have ever met, he is just like Melissa with both her personality and looks.

"This is it." Cal says, walking to the centre of the room and spinning with his arms out beside him.

It's the same room he has always had but it just got repainted and new bedding but he likes to say it's a new room.

"It's so cool, bud." And that wasn't a lie, his room was starting to look very nice.

It was painted a light grey will a feature wall at the back with different shades of blue stars painted on it, he had his 'big boy bed' against the wall on the right hand side and the bedding was the same colours as the stars. He had his toy boxes and bookshelves filled with many colourful books and toys, mostly superhero related stuff. It wasn't cluttered or fancy it was simple and nice, it looked just like a normal little boys room not someone who has a pretty well known actress for a mother.

"Boys pizza is here!" I yell from the front door, hoping they hear me.

I soon hear Cal's little feet running down the hallway and jumping off the step that separates the living room and the dining room.

"Pizzzzzaaa!!" He yells whilst trying to climb onto his chair at the dinner table and failing.

Not long after Chris comes over and lifts Calum up onto his seat causing him to laugh "I didn't need your help silly!"

"Oh really? Because to me it looked like you were about to fall." Chris says holding back laughter.

"I was testing you" Cal replies.

"Oh yeah, he definitely gets that from you." Chris says pointing to me as I get cups out and start to fill them with water.

"What? no, I have no idea what you're talking about." I say trying to act like I have no clue what he is referring to.

{tysm for reading, sorry for these past two chapters they are pretty short. I just needed to fill in some story lines but the chapters should start to get longer and actually have Melwood in them. Bare with me and thank you}

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