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,,Solas, please stop with this madness! You must not destroy the world. Think about it. Even when you restore the elves, it would be not the same as before. CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?! SOLAS!", cried a despaired Dalish Inquisitor to his former friend Solas also known the dread wolf Fan'Heral.

,,I'm sorry, but I must do it. I know it's very hard for me, but it  means not that I let you die. I have enough mana even to send you in another dimension in cost the brand on your hand" explains Solas sadly and opens a blue portal.

 I have enough mana even to send you in another dimension in cost the brand on your hand" explains Solas sadly and opens a blue portal

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,,What are you meaning with th-AAAAHG!!!!",,We have barely time. I'm sorry, but that's goodbye. Farewell Arion Lavellan." After he said that, he shoved Arion into the portal, and Arion felt how the brand dissapears from his hand and becomes one with the portal.

Solas,h-, Elise I hope you say him some manners was the last thing he thought before he lands sharply on a few contains with his flank and lands on the cold floor and gets knocked out.

A few minutes later he began to awake. He hears loud noises from the sky above. He looked up, and saw strange fly object. What are these things? That's not Thedas anymore. So Solas really did that. That damn dastard. He thought confused angry. Suddenly he heard a girl speak

Blake: ,,Brothers of the white fang. Why are you aiding this scum?"

Roman: ,,Heh, oh kid. Didn't you get the memo?"

Blake: ,,What are you talking about?"

Roman: ,,The white fang and I are going in on a joint business venture together."

Blake: ,, Tell me what it is, or I'll put an end  to your little operation."

Then came another loud noises from the same machine and he musted close his ears. Just as he wanted to get ,,Agh.", he hissed in pain. As he looked down he saw a bad wound on his side ,,Great.", muttered Arion as he hardly stands up to look, what's up there. He saw from the side that the girl with cat ears dodged fire shots.

I see that shem is the problem." He said to himself, and quickly took his Hakkon's wisdom and spells quickly the ice shield to guard her. The man with melon looks shortly where it comes from, but then turned back to Blake.

Roman: ,,Here kitty, kitty, kitty.", but gets then a banana peel on his had. He took it off and looks at a boy with a monkey tail. He jumps down on his face first and said,

Sun: ,,Leave her alone."

After he said that, came another strange persons from the flying machine jumping down and surrounded them. Roman spotted than at the monkey faunus.

Roman:,, You are not the brightest banana in the bunch, are you kid?"

Meanwhile, when Sun attacks the white fang goons in Arions hideout,

Arion: To his self ,,Ok, guys how about for you a firestorm, to become a bit burn up?"

After he said that, he summoned a rift on the sky, and as they all looked up they saw a meteor shower targeting the white fang, who all dodged. Some were unharmed the others gotten hit. Arion however kneed on the floor and saw more blood streaming from his wound.

Roman: ,,Is there a third one hiding from you guys!?"

They looked confused, but then came a girl with red and black clothing and a giant scythe who cried:,,HEY!" and all looked up as the girl came  up and slammed the top of the scyth on the ground.

Roman: ,, Oh, hello Red! Isn't it past your bedtime?"

Penny: ,,Ruby? Are this people your friends?"

Ruby: ,,Penny, get back."

While she looked away, Roman prepared his cane and fires at her.


But it was to late, and Ruby took the hit and flew back to Penny. Penny started to get angry and walked to the fiends.

Ruby: ,,Penny, wait! Stop!"

Penny: ,,Don't worry Ruby. I'm combat ready!" 

All Arion could see was, as the orange haired girl jumped from the building with swords floating behind her back and attacks the white fang members.

Sun: ,,WHOA!"

Arion: ,,I must admit that girl is good in fighting like this."

Then came 3 planes more and started firing on her. Oh no, you don't. Arion activated with his last strenght the spell,,barrier" to shield her. She cold perfectly reflect the bullets, then came 2 blades more from her backpack with lines and pushed herself back. After she did that, Penny's sword created a large green energy ball and fires a beam at the planes, so they got cutted in halfs destroyed. Penny stucked all blades with wires on the plane with the container and pulled it back. Meanwhile Roman flees into another plane.

Ruby: ,,Whoa. How is she doing that?", asked Ruby impressed.

After she said that, Penny pulls the plane to let it crashed down on the other containers.

Roman: ,,This kids just keeps getting weirder.", closed than the hatch and escaped.

Arion: ,,So. That shemlen managed to escape. How bad.". After he said that, he fainted.


After the fight, when the police came to investigate the scene Ruby, Penny, Sun and Blake were sitting on boxes and waited until Weiss and Yang came. After they cleared the situation Sun asked,

Sun: ,,Hey. What's with that guy who helped us. Someone helped us during the fight to guard us.

Weiss: ,,Excuse me, what are- hey what's that up there?"

She pointed at a red mark on the floor a few meters away. The ran to the mark and recognized that it blood was. They looked behind the container and saw a silver haired young man not older than 17 in a strange armor that looked like a dragon and beneath him was a staff with blue-white shining. The weirdest thing was that his ears were pointed.

Ruby: ,,Oh my gosh! Someone calls the ambulance quickly!"

Blake: ,,How did he even came here?"

Yang: ,,We can ask him later that! Now he needs help!"

Blake: ,,Right. Hey can you hear me, hey?!"

The young man groaned and looked weakly up to see 4 girls and a boy before him.

Arion: ,,Where am....I?" Then goes all black

So that's it. I hope it's good and please review. If you have Ideas, I would likely know. But I will not make a romance or maybe yes. I'm really bad about that. And I must thank Gam1ng_Author for helping me on the coming chapters. See you next time.

Anromeda1996 out.

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