Volume 4 (Punished)

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Tyrian pulled his tail back and briefly showed appreciation for Qrow's arrival. Arion stood up, holded his staff like a support.

Arion: What took you so long? Blaming for lying to me? Or just to slow?

Qrow: Later.

Tyrian: Huh! As I live and breathe! Qrow Branwen. *giggled* A true Huntsman has entered the fray!

Qrow looked back at Ruby and Arion.

Ruby: I don't know. These guy's weird.

Arion: It seems, he was ordered to get us.

Qrow: *turned back to face Tyrian* Look, pal, I'm not sure who you are, but you need to leave my niece and the Dalish elf alone.

Tyrian: Why, friend, my name is Tyrian. And I'm afraid that is not possible. My assignment from Her Grace was retrieve this young girl and the elf with secrets in his head. So, that is what I must do. One does not upset the queen.

Ruby: Queen?

Qrow: Salem.

Ruby: Who?

Tyrian: Oooh, the second one who knows it. Hmm, I think we've had enough talk now, don't you?

Qrow: You took the words right out of-

Before Qrow could end his sentence, Tyrian rushed forwards to him and the fight began. The kids were watching the fight when Qrow and Tyrian were fighting and dodging.

Arion wanted to help, but he felt weaker. Qrow leaped up and somersaulted downward to cut Tyrian with his descent, but Tyrian blocked it with his wrist blades. The powerful clash of their weapons sended out a ripple that blowed the roof off of a building behind them. Tyrian grinned and cocked his gloves, revealed the hidden double-barrelled machine guns. He shooted at Qrow, which he reflected the bullets away with his blade.

Ren and Nora nodded each other and ran forward to help Qrow. Tyrian leaned backward to look at them coming and ducked so that they both missed him in their dual attack. He kicked both away back to their friends. Laughing, he gave chase to the two teenagers to get Arion and Ruby, but Qrow was quick to block him, used the flat of his hand to move the blade to block both and pushed Tyrian back.

Qrow: Don't come closer

Ruby: Fine.

Ruby ran to a detroyed building and used her sniper to jump onto the roof. She aimed her snpier to Tyrian, but the both moving so fast, so she couldn't get a clear shot. When Tyrian managed to throw Qrow's weapon with his stinger into a wall so that it stucked, and bowed down while laughing. Ruby took the chance and shot but missed. Tyrian hadn't not even bothered to change positions, deflected each bullet with a flick of his tail, amused. Qrow then punched him on the face, kicked him away and went to his weapon to get it from the wall. He just grabbed his weapon, Tyrian charged at him and Qrow jumped to the wall atop his weapon and activated his scythe mode. They then continued their fight on a damaged rooftop of a house. When he saw then a weakend wooden plank, Qrow leaded him to that so that he fell down after he moved to the opposite. Qrow wanted to jump away, but Tyrian used his tail to grab Qrow by the ankle and pulled him down as well. Arion couldn't watch anymore and transformed dragon wings out of his back and saw Ruby jumping down from the building. He grabbed her hand and placed her on the ground.

Arion: Be more carefull next time! *wings dissappeared and arms became to claws*

As they reached the building, Qrow came out through a wall, his body and his weapon bouncing. The weapon lands with its blade in the ground, and Qrow perches atop it. Red flickers of damaged Aura move over his body twice. Tyrian came then out, purple aura flackered. As the two began to strike again, Arion and Ruby jumped in between and deflected Tyrian's blades with Crescent Rose and a dragon arm. 

Jaune: Ruby! Arion! *Ren holded him back*

Tyrian: Do you two wish to be taken?!

Ruby: No! But I won't stand by and watch someone get hurt!

Arion: Give me my blood back! And I won't let it happen, that you take Ruby to a coward like Salem!

Tyrian: That's it! You will not survive this battle!

Arion, Ruby and Qrow moved in to attack Tyrian. Ruby hooks her scythe around his body, while Arion tried to punch his back from behind and Qrow attacked at the same time as Ruby, swinged his sword in from the opposite direction, but Tyrian blocked it by the extended staff before it can make contact with his back, holded Arion with his stinger on his neck and lifted him upand used his other free hand to block the blade with the bracer portion of his weapon and kicked Qrow and threw Arion away, focusing on Ruby. His stinger hittet beneath Ruby, but Qrow blocked it and holded him back.

Qrow: Ruby! What did I say?! Get back!

Ruby: This is my fight, too!

She attacked Tyrian while he was still locked blade-to-blade with Qrow, but his legs arch away from the swing of Crescent Rose.

Qrow: No, it's not that. It's-

Qrow attempted to clarify his warning but was unable to finish when Ruby attacked again. Tyrian moved to her, flipped and sended her backward with a two-footed kick. She slided closer to the building and gained her ground, but the wooden beams near the roof had been shook up too much and a heavy one broke and descended upon her. While Qrow was about to slice it in half to prevent that the beams crushed Ruby, Tyrian quickly grabbed Arion in a headlock and stabbed his stinger in his side and threw him back to Jaune and the others. Nora quickly checked on him and helped him stand up. He could see weakly Qrow got scratched from that Faunus Psycho in the abdomen.

Ruby then did something no one expected: She hooked her scythe around Tyrian's tail and fired the rifle, gave the weapon the strength to cut through it. Spurtet purple fluid, the stinger bounced to the ground. Tyrian screams from the pain, reeling back.

Tyrian: You bitch!

Nora, Ren and Jaune all moved to block his path to Ruby, Arion and Qrow. Tyrian was off-balance, unable to walk straight and quickly decided not to engage.

Tyrian: She'll forgive you. At least I have the blood. *he then ran away*

When he was gone Arion collapsed on the ground and Qrow collapsed on one knee, holded his wound in pain.

Jaune: Arion! You're alright?! *supported him with an arm over his shoulder*

Arion: Except he scratched my arm, took some of my blood and stabbed me on the side... I've been never better. Luckly, I have some herbs to make medicin. What's with you old shem? 

Ruby: Uncle Qrow! Are you okay?

Qrow: I'll be fine. He just grazed me. Not just grazed. I feel something that's not right. *Arion looked on his graze to see a little bit of purple from his wound*

The others rushed to them

Nora: Who was that guy?

Ren: How did you get there?

Jaune: Why are people after Ruby and Arion?

Arion: What does Salem want from my blood? The well of sorrows is bounded with my soul and not with my blood.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow? What's going on?

Qrow: What's your favorite fairy tail.


It's for sure bad. I'm sure. Till next time.

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