Volume 5 (Welcome to Haven)

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Qrow, Arion and Team RNJR were walking an underground passage with stone bricks and lightened up with laterns.

Qrow: The city of Mistral.

Nora: Ugh. It's about time. Whose idea was it to walk again

Ren: Well, we did face many obstacles. Broken airships, destroyed settlements...

Jaune: Oh, and , you know, all those people and monsters that tried to MURDER US?

Ruby: Pfft. We were fine; only two of us almost died.

Qrow&Arion: Hey.

Nora holded her hands on her hips and bowed to Ren

Ren: Hey! *Nora giggled*

Jaune: So how much farther to Haven Academy?

Qrow: Almost there. Kind of figured I'd take you kids on the scenic route.

They stopped before a big gate that Qrow opened and Ruby rushed forward and stopped at a railing, gazing out over the city.

Ruby: Wow! This. Is. Awesome!

The others joined to look at the countryside with mountains, houses and a waterfall. Down from them were a big crowd of people for their all day doing and a market. Lawfull or not.

Qrow: It's certainly something.

Ruby: *when she saw a weapon kiosk*Oh my gosh, look at all the weapons!

Arion: Are you always like that?

Qrow: Vendors here will sell you just about anything, wether they should or not.

Jaune: They really made the most out of these mountains.

Qrow: Very inch. And stand away from the lower levels, but the higher up you go, the nicer it gets.

Nora: And we are going up! *pointed up and they went then to Haven Academy*

In the halls of Haven

Some time later, they arrived on a courtyard of the school. Around them were a stone way, traditional buildings with a green garden. Ruby looked at a building before them and whipped a tear away. Jaune placed a hand on her shoulder.

Ruby: *sighed* We made it.

When they were about to enter Qrow stopped and looked around. Arion did the same.

Qrow: Hmmm.

Arion: A bit to quiet for an Academy. Something is not right.

They came then up and walked then through an empty hall from a building.

Ruby: Hello? *louder* HELLOO??

Nora: Maybe try... louder?

Ren: There doesn't seem to be anyone here.

Jaune: Well, I guess school isn't really in session right now. Maybe that's it?

Arion: I think not. After what happened in Beacon, they should prepare what could happen next.

Qrow: No, this isn't right... C'mon. *hurried forward*

Ruby: Wait for us! *the rest followed him*

They stopped before a double door, Qrow took his weapon out and the others followed.

Qrow: Get ready. It could be trouble.

When Qrow then kicked the door, there stood Professor Lionheart with wide eyes and began to scream which caused the others to scream and Arion to shrug. Qrow looked down and lost his balance on one foot and fell to the ground. Lionheart made a sound and fell back and fainted for short. RNJR lowered their weapons speechless while Qrow sat up. I feel like an idiot...

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