Volume 3 (End of the Beginning)

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I should get rid of the dragon, but if I do that Cinder has a better chance to follow them. He roared for frutration, frozed fast a few Grimm and turned back before the other students.

Nora: That! Was! So! Great! I wanna ride on you!

Arion: *exhausted* Not now. *saw Ozpin* Pyrrha, come we must go.

Pyrrha: Right.

Nora: Where're they going.

Jaune: I'll go find out. You two stay here and keep fighting.

In the vault

Pyrrha, Ozpin, Jaune and Arion were running to Amber

Jaune: What is this place?

Pyrrha: It's... a type of vault.

Jaune: You've... been here before?

Arion: Not just her...

Jaune: Wait. You too? What would this school need to... hide? *stopped* What? Who?

Pyrrha: Jaune.

Ozpin: Pyrrha! Get to the pods! Mister Arc, if you would like to help, you can stand guard here. Arion! You help him!

*Jaune and Arion turned around to guard, weapon's ready*

Pyrrha: What do we do now?

Ozpin: *sighs* We... Do nothing. *Capsule opened* You, Miss Nikos... Have a choice to make.

Arion: Pyrrha, that's your last chance: Take the offer and your life will be changed forever or refuce and try to survive that chaos. My life changed without a choice but what about you? *Pyrrha sniffed and went into the capsule* I see. 

Later: Rumble were to hear and feel

Arion: Ozpin, hurry up!

Ozpin: Are you ready? *Pyrrha nodded* I... I need to hear you say it.

Pyrrha: Yes.

Ozpin: Thank you Miss Nikos.

Arion: When it's done, I'll cast healing spells on you.

Machine got activated and the Aura from Amber began to be transfered from her into Pyrrha's body. Pyrrha then screamed in pain.

Jaune: Pyrrha!

Ozpin: I'm... so sorry.

Arion: You better should. If something happens to her, I-, NO!!

He couldn't speak finished, when an arrow pierced Amber's chest. They turned around and they all saw Cinder with a bow. Amber gasped and then died so the rest of the power flew to Cinder. Arion couldn't control himself anymore and Pyrrha wanted to get out.


Jaune already ran forward to attack Cinder.

Ozpin: Stay back! *Jaune got thrown back and Arion shot several ice spells what Cinder dodged*

Pyrrha: Jaune! *managed to get out of the capsule and grabbed her weapons but Ozpin stopped her*

Ozpin: Grab Jaune and Arion and get out for here! Find Glynda! Ironwood! Qrow! Bring them here right away! The tower cannot fall!

Pyrrha: But, I can help.

Ozpin: You'll only get in the way.

Pyrrha helped Jaune standing up and the both grabbed Arion on the arms and ran away.

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