Volume 2 (Mountain Glenn-Breach)

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Arion dreamed on a place he recognized ''Mythal's temple''

Solas: I never thought you could get that far.

Arion looked shocked behind and saw Solas, before he got angry.

Arion: What do you want? Destroy another world after you've done with Thedas?

Solas: I sended you here, because I didn't wanted kill a friend. Besides Mythal and I promised Ozpin some time ago to send someone powerful to him. But I've never expected you turned into a Da'len back.

Arion: What, you did that with purpose?! Why?!

Solas: Ozpin already told you about Salem for sure. Don't forget she's smart and there will be someone you must train with magic control in the future. Mythal had already given you the comment to protect Remnant.

Arion: After all you've done now you want that I should teach someone with magic? Magic doesn't excist here or did Ozpin discreet something more from me?

Solas: You will find it out in the future. There is no fade, rift or breach, nothing. You stuck here forever without a way going back. When the time comes the voices will tell you a little secret. But enough, you should wake up. It seems a friend of you is in danger.

Arion: What?! Hey, wait come back! I'm not done with you!   

Back in the real world Arion felt someone shaking him on the shoulder

Yang: Arion, wake up! Ruby is missing!

Arion: *gasped by waking up* What?! I can't believe that Solas was right. How does he even knew that?

Blake: What's going on?

Oobleck: Grab your weapons! Your leader may be in trouble. By the creators. Ruby, in what had you gotten into yourself this time.

Out there on the streets

Yang: Ruby's scythe.

Blake: Oh no...

Arion: That can't be true.

Weiss: Do you think she fell?

Oobleck: Fell?!

Weiss: Down there...

Arion: I don't think so. When she fell in, her scythe wouldn't be that far from the hole, except....

Oobleck: Of course, of course, of course!

Blake: What is it?

Oobleck: How could I be so stupid?!

Yang: Doctor Oobleck, what's wrong?

Oobleck: Mountain Glenn! Yes! An expansion of Vale that was inevitably by creatures of Grimm! Previously home to thousands of people! Working people, commuting to the city, the main city. Developed a subway system to the inner city. Grimm attacks increase! Population in danger, now desperately searching for shelter! City evacuates intro metro tunnels and what do they find?! The South-East quadrant of Vale is known for wild forests and deep caves! Oh great, now I feel I'm going back to the deep roads. No wonder Varric hates it so much. At least no dark sporn, but a lot of Grimms and maybe some criminals.

Yang: Doc, what are you saying?

Oobleck: My dear, we're not just looking for an underground crime network! We're looking for AN UNDERGROUND CRIME NETWORK!

Blake: They've been working in caves?

Oobleck: No, no. Mountain Glenn was Vale's first serious attampt at expansion. It worked  for a short period of time thanks to an aggressive perimeter defense and unique transportation. The city developed an elaborate subway system to carry citizens safely from the new territory into the main Kingdom. Sadly, without the many natural barriers Vale had to protect it's borders, Mountain Glenn was doomed from the start. As the end drew near, the citizens of the territory made one last attempt at survival. They took up shelter beneath the city, in massive caves that they had cleared out for the subway. And they had cut themselves off from the surface.

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