Volume 2: Welcome in Beacon

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1 Week after he accepted his offer Arion sat every day after class in the libriary on a chair and read books about the 4 kingdoms in Remnant, dust, aura and semblence, history of faunus and grimm. While reading Arion thought about the conversation with Glynda, Oz and a man named James Ironwood. 

They explained him everything about Aura and Semblence, than Glynda opened his Aura with a chant that was after she touched his chest and ordered him to close his eyes: For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite in distance and unbound by death, I release your soul, and by my shoulder, protect thee.

Then he got a Scroll but the problem was, that his world has no technology so far it took Glynda a lot of nerves to explain how it worked until he got it finally out. After that Glynda left leaving him, Ozpin and general Ironwood alone. When they were alone Ozpin and James explaned him about Salem, her plans and about the maidens after the formal greeting and a little fight.

Ozpin: So that you know everything now, will you still help me to protect the world.

Arion: I don't think that he told me everything, but for now I play with. Once I managed to save Thedas from Corypheus, so I will help save this world too.

Ozpin: Good, your dismissed now.

Arion: Ma nuvenin Ozpin, general.

After Arion left.

Ironwood: Why didn't you told him about Amber? When he said he can use magic he could heal her.

Ozpin: It is not the right time. Maybe he can't even do it.

Ironwood: But ask yourself this: Do you honestly believe your children can win a war?

When he turns around to leave

Ozpin: I hope they never have to.

(Back in the libriary)

His thought's were broken up when he heard Ruby cry loudly and turned around


Yang: Eh, most of them were propably androids.

Ruby: Good bye my friends... You will be avanged.

Yang: Not until I draw my rewards, which are doubled this round, thanks to the Mistral trade route!

Ruby: BAH!

Yang: Oh! And what's this? The Smugglers of Wind's Path?!

Ruby: BAH! BAH, I SAY!

Yang: Looks like I'm taking two cards from your hand.


Arion got a play figure on the head and looks annoyed. Children. I'm with a team of children. 

Ruby: Noooo... 

 Arion took the books and placed them back and saw than a storybook with the title: The story of the Seasons. Could be interesting and took the book to borrow it. And went then to Ruby and the others to listening the game.

Ruby leaned on the desk crying with anime tears and don't realized Arion was watching.

Yang: Well Weiss, it's your turn!

Weiss: I have... Absolutly no idea, what's going on.

Yang: Look, it's easy!

She explained Weiss how the game works and showed her a card to destroy Ruby's win chances and told her she had a chance to defeat Yang. Great I don't even know what's going on, but Weiss is about to run into Yangs trap.

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