Volume 4 (Take the road)

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In a forest where everything looks dead

Ruby: Just... hold on, Uncle Qrow.

She and Jaune carried him on a stretcher while Ren leaded the way and Nora and Arion guarded the rear. Suddenly Arion began to trip and catched himself up.

Mora: You're okay?

Arion: I'm fine. My healing managed to weaken the poison a little bit. I should do that with him too.

Nora: Don't waste your energy now. What's with the antidote?

Arion: The herbs reached for just one person. And a special cast to make it stonrger needs time.

Qrow than groan in pain.

Qrow: Tai.. She's not... coming... Tai... *coughed*

Arion: He's getting worse.

Ruby: How much farther?

Nora: We've gotta be close.

Ren: Without the map, there's no way of knowing. But I feel like we're close to something. 

Arion: Sorry, I lost it when we fought against that creep...

They came to a fork in the road with a signpost. They came from Higanbana and on the right side were Kuchinashi and Mistral and on the left Kuroyuri where the word was crossed out from the shield.

Nora: Hey, hey! Mistral We're on the right path! Oh...

Ruby: Does it say how close?!

Ren: No. And it looks like the path takes us up through the mountains *Ruby and Jaune laid Qrow down*

Jaune: Guys, I don't know if all of us can make that climb. And Arion is too weak to turn into his dragon form.

Ruby: *looked at Qrow and ran to Ren* Okay. Well about this place? *pointed at Kuroyuri* Kuro... Kuroyuri. Can we get help there? *Jaune came then up, while Arion stayed with Qrow healed him secretly*

Ren: That village was destroyed years ago.

Jaune: But if it takes us around the mountains, it's the best bet we've got.

Ren: It will take too long. 

Ruby: The town would have had a doctor, right? Or maybe we could scavenge for medicine!

Jaune: Right! 

Ren: We're not going to find anything! We just have to press on.

Ruby and Jaune were shocked of Ren's outburst.

Jaune: Ren, why are you acting-

Nora: *holded a hand on Ren's shoulder* We can split up.

Ruby: Huh?

Nora: Ren and I can cut through the mountains while you and Ruby take Qrow and Arion around trough the village.

Jaune: No, we're supposed to stick together. We keep each other safe!

Nora: We don't have time for safe! If we make it to Mistral, we'll bring back help! If we don't, we'll at least have a better view of the land! Up there, we can see if there's somewhere else we can go!

Qrow than began coughing but relaxed when Arion strengthened his spell but fell back and leaned on a tree breathed heavy.

Jaune: Okay. *hugged Ren* Just take care of each other.

Nora: We always have.

Ruby and Jaune picked Qrow up and watched back to Ren and Nora and the two nodded to them. Nora waved goodbye and they ran then to the mountains while Ruby, Jaune and Arion moved to Kuroyuri. Arion used Elgar to support himself and began to coughing up blood with venom while some of it came out between his fingers. His whole body pained and feeled hot.

Jaune: You should rest.

Arion: No... I will make it. The antidote is beneath done. The color will very soon turn light green.

Jaune: Alright, but don't overdo.

Ruby: They're gonna be fine, Jaune.

Jaune: You don't know that.

Ruby then forward saddened. 


Sometime later, they managed to enter Kuroyuri. The whole village was destroyed. 

Arion: *saddened* What happened? It's worse than Oniyuri.

Jaune: Oh man.

Ruby: Come on.

While they walked

Ruby: Any of these places look like a pharmacy?

Jaune: It's... honestly hard to tell. 

Ruby: Ren really didn't want to come here, did he?

Jaune: Uh... didn't seem so.

Ruby: Do you know... why?

Jaune: *sighed* I think I have a pretty good idea...

After they laid Qrow against a dead cherry blossom tree, Arion then couldn't hold it back anymore and began to vomit more blood and collapsed on the ground.

Jaune: Arion! *rushed to him and laid him next to Qrow* You better stay here.

Arion: But-

Jaune: No, you stay here. Ruby and I go ahead looking for medicine.

Arion: Ugh... I hate it, when you're right. Fine. *The two then split up to find medicine*

Later with Ruby and Jaune

Jaune: Nothing.

Ruby: We should get back to Qrow and Arion.

They came then back to the injured. Ruby kneeled before Qrow and a loud roar was heard from the distance so that Jaune's handed landed on his sword.

Ruby: It's far off.

Jaune: I know, but Ren and Nora are still out there.

Ruby: I'm sorry.

Jaune: Huh?

Arion: What?

Ruby: This is all my fault. I should have never dragged you guys into this.

Jaune: You didn't drag us in. We wanted to come.

Ruby: But you didn't know about Tyrian, about-

Jaune: Ruby. We lost... We lost Pyrrha. You lost her, too. And Penny, and your team, and in a way... your sister. Arion even lost everything. Friends, family, Thedas,... his whole world. But you're still here, despite everything you've lost, and everything you could still lose, you CHOSE to come out here. Because you felt like you could make a difference. You didn't drag us along. You gave us the courage to follow you.

They smiled each other, but didn't noticed Arion looked away with a tear streaming from his eye. Some time later Ren and Nora rushed to them in hurry. Ren smiled then for relieve they were not harmed.

Ruby: What are you guys doing here?

Jaune: Did you hear that noise? What was that?!

Ren: *collapsed on his knees* No... *sound of hooves began to come nearer and louder*

Ruby: Ren! What is it?!

Jaune: Wait, you guys hear that?

Ren: No... *hunged his head down *

Nora: Ren?

Before them came a Grimm with multiple weapons stuck in it's back. It had the body of a horse and in the middle was a humanoid creature with very long arms and horns on the head. The horse part breathe black smoke out and the creature on 

Arion: What... is that?

The horned part stretched it's head up twitching and roared.


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