Volume 5 (Reunion, Rest and Resolution)

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2 days later at the Dusk on the balcony 

Qrow leaned on the fence and looked unpleased. Arion joined him.

Arion: No luck with the search of the huntsmen and huntresses?

Qrow: No... This isn't right. I get one or two of them, but... all of them? 

Arion: *sighed* Something isn't right. And it was not because of your Semblance this time. Sorry to say, but I don't trust Professor Lionheart.

Before Qrow could answer they heard from behind a portal opens.

Qrow: Raven?

Arion: What does she want?

But they heard a motorbike engine muffled from there.

Qrow: Oh.

Arion: Can it be...?

They then saw Yang and Weiss riding on bumblebee came out of the portal and stopped before them.

Arion: Yang... Weiss... How? Never mind. I'm glad to see you guys again. Nice arm, Yang. *noticed the necklace* You have still the necklace I gave you. I'm happy you didn't threw it away. Ir abelas ma'vhenan.

Yang came then up to him and slapped him hard on his cheek.

Yang: Don't leave me ever again. *hugged him*

Arion: *blushed but smiled softly* No, I will not. *returned the hug*

Weiss: Uhm... Can we get in?

Qrow: Would be better. Come you love birds.

Arion: Uhm, yeah, right.

Qrow opened then the door.

Qrow: We're back!

Ruby: *echoed* Be right there!

Qrow: Hey, uh, Ruby?

Arion: You should see this.

Ruby: I'm coming!

Ruby came then up with a tablet on it a teapot and two cups.

Ruby: So, we didn't know how many people were coming, so we just cooked all of it.  

When she looked up she gasped and let the tablet fall so the pot and cups shattered on the ground. She saw on the side of Qrow and Arion, Yang and Weiss before her. Yang walked then to her little sister.

Ruby: Yang, I... I'm so sorry! I-I should've stayed, and I should've talked to you more! I'd-I just... *tears came out* I wasn't sure if you wanted me around and- 

Yang interrupted and hugged Ruby.

Yand: I love you. *tears streamed out*

Ruby sobbed and leaned into the sister hug.

Ruby: I love you too.

Jaune, Ren and Nora came up and smiled at the scene. Arion and Qrow who standed on the side smiled too. Oscar came then up in the room.

Oscar: Uh. *smiled when he saw the reunion*

Weiss wiped a tear away, before she looked down.

Ruby: Weiss.

Weiss looked up and saw that the sisters opened their arms so that she could join the hug. She smiled and rushed in to join. While they watched the scene Oscar noticed a red mark on Arion's cheek that looked like a hand.

Oscar: Uhm, Arion? 

Arion: Hm?

Oscar: W- where did you get the mark on your face?

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