Volume 2 (Extracuricullar)

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In the arena the class watched Pyrrha fought against team CDNL. And the team loss greatly. When Cardin finally landed on the ground. Wow. She is very impressive. No wonder she would win the tournament.

Glynda: And that's the match

Cardin: *groaned* Lucky shot. Ugh. *Fainted*

Glynda: Well done miss Nikos. You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament.

Pyrrha: Thank you professor.

Glynda: Alright, now I know that's a tough act to follow but we have time for one more sparring match. Any volunteers? Mister Lavellan? I saw you never fight. Miss Belladonna? You've been rather docile for the past few classes. Why don't you-

Mercury: I'll do it.

Glynda: Mercury is it? Very well. Let's find you an opponenet.

Mercury: Actually, I wanna fight... her. *He pointed at Pyrrha and Arion looked unpleasent about this to him*

Pyrrha: Me?

Glynda: I'm afraid miss Nikos has just finished a match, I'd recommend you choose another partner.

Pyrrha: No! It's fine. I'd be happy to oblige.

While they were fighting Arion understood what Mercury was planning. Now I see. He don't want just test her skills, he's analyting her to get informations about her semblance polarity. Nice try, but you can't make a fool of me.

Emerald looked worried about the face of Arion. 

Mercury: I forfeit.

Pyrrha: *Gasped and stopped* You don't even want to try?

Mercury: What's the point? You're a world renowed fighter, we're obviously leagues apart.

Well done you idiot. You just hurt her pride. He looked at Emerald who grinned slightly evily.

Glynda: In that case, Pyrrha is the victor of the match, again. Next time you may want to think a little harder before choosing an opponent.

Mercury: I'll be sure to do that.

Glynda: *Buzzer beeped* That is all for today. And remember the dance is this weekend, but you all have your first mission on Monday.

Everyone leaved. Arion looked a Pyrrha and thought about a private sparring match, then he looked at Yang.

Arion: See you later gold dragon.

When he saw Mercury and Emerald, he stopped and heard 

Mercury: Learning is so much fun!

Arion: Yeah, fun to learn like to be a coward. Thanks for some new informations about your skills.

He then went to Pyrrha.

Arion: Pyrrha do you have some time?

Pyrrha: Yes?

Arion: I know that Mercury just hurt your pride, and neither of you saw me fight, so I'm asking if you have some time for a private sparring match?

Pyrrha: Yeah, sure. Why not. Honestly, I wanted know how you fight. 

Arion: Ok. I'm going quick get my weapon then we can begin.

After he got his staff, he told her that his staff would be made about ice dust with some elements. Then the fight began. While he knew Pyrrha is a master in close combat he musted always step back or use his sharp end with the staff. After some time the fight was over and Pyrrha was the winner.

Arion: You're really as good as other said.

Pyrrha: Thanks, but you're not bad either. But I must go now. I have some stuff to do.

Arion: Yes. Ok, bye and thanks for the battle.

Pyrrha: Yeah, bye.

Arion but didn't noticed that Mercury and Emerald were watching him.

Emerald: Cinder would be interested for sure.

Mercury: Then we should go back telling her.

At the evening Arion wanted go to Team RWBY's room, when he saw Jaune with a guitar looking dissapointed and went.

Arion: *Sigh* Not again. Can't he just ask Pyrrha or is he just naive to notice how she feels.

He then knocks on the door.

Arion: Weiss, it's me. Is Yang with you too?

Weiss opened the door.

Yang: Yes?

Arion: Look, I know we don't know each other very well in the last few weeks, so I wanted to ask if you have tomorrow after school time to hang out with me for a while. I mean if you want?

Yang: Yeah, that would be funny.

Arion: Great. That was all. Good night ladies.

Then he left and went into his room. When he was in the voices whispered that he was being watched and he should be more carefull.

In the room witch Cinder, Emerald and Mercury

Emerald: And finally, Pyrrha Nikos.

Cinder: Ahh, the invincible girl.

Mercury: I would say smart, but I wouldn't say invincible.

Cinder: Do tell.

Emerald: Her semblance is polarity, but you'd never know it just by watching.

Mercury: After she made contact with my boots she was able to move them around however she wanted. 

Emerald: Just enough to make it look she's untouchable. She doesn't broadcast her powers so it puts her opponents at a disadvantage.

Cinder: Hmm, people assume she's fated for victory when she's really taken fate into her own hands. Interesting. Add her to the list. And what's with the boy with the pointy ears?

Mercury: He seems really distrust us. We told you about the time in the book store when some hooded guy with a staff stopped us. That Lavellan guy has the same. He told that girl, that his staff is made full of dust, but we think he has the same power like we searching.

Emerald: The way he looked at us can only mean he knows that we plan something. For now he's playing with us.

Cinder: Yes. The mistress is already interested on him. Add him to the list too.

Mercury: You should be able to take them no problem.

Cinder: It's not about overpowering the enemy. It's about taking away what power they have. And we will, in time.

Mercury: *Sigh* I hate waiting.

Cinder: Don't worry Mercury, we have a fun weekend ahead of us. And the bearer of the well of sorrows will be for sure on our side soon. Not Ozpin or the wolf can stop us.

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